
> I'm trying to build Perl 5.10.0 on my Integrity server.  I downloaded
> http://www.cpan.org/src/perl-5.10.0.tar.gz today, used GUNZIP and VMSTAR to
> unpack it,

I repacked it to ZIP under Windows before transfering it to Integrity.

> and then ran CONFIGURE.COM taking all the default answers (except
> for my email address).
> Here's what happens when I try to build it:
>    $ mms
>    Copy/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]SOCKADAPT.H []
>    %COPY-S-COPIED, D1:[perl.PERL-5_10_0.vms]sockadapt.h;1 
> copied to D1:[PERL.PERL-5_10_0]sockadapt.h;1 (10 blocks)
> /Include=[]/Standard=Relaxed_ANSI/Prefix=All/Obj=.obj/NoList/f
> loat=ieee/ieee=denorm/Define=(PERL_CORE,_USE_STD_STAT=1) MRO.C
>    %MMS-F-GWKNOPRN, There are no known sources for the 
> current target GENERATE_UUDMAP.OBJ
>    $

This works on my system. It only fails a little later:

Link /NoTrace/NoMap/NoDebug/Trace/NoMap/NoFull/NoCross/Exe=GENERATE_UUDMAP.EXE 
generate_uudmap.obj ,[]crtl.opt/Options
MCR SYS$DISK:[]generate_uudmap.exe

%CC-E-DECLARATOR, Invalid declarator.
at line number 1 in file SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TEMP.PERL-5_10_0]uudmap.h;1
%MMS-F-ABORT, For target GLOBALS.OBJ, CLI returned abort status: %X10B91262.

It seems that MMS doesn't infer the source file from the target.
The rule failing in DESCRIP.MMS is

globals$(O) : uudmap.h

If I change that to 

globals$(O) : globals.c uudmap.h

it works. But this problem comes back when building the dynamic modules:

@make_ext "Sys$Disk:[]miniperl.exe" "MMS"

        Making attrs (dynamic)
Writing Descrip.MMS for attrs
cp attrs.pm [--.lib]attrs.pm
MCR [--]miniperl.exe "-I[--.lib]" "-I[--.lib]" -e "use ExtUtils::Mksymlists;"   
-e "Mksymlists('NAME' => 'attrs', 'DL_FUNCS' => {  }
, 'DL_VARS' => [], 'FUNCLIST' => [])"
MCR [--]miniperl.exe -e "print 
MCR [--]miniperl.exe -e "print qq{[--]PerlShr.exe/Share\n}" >>ATTRS.OPT
MCR SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TEMP.PERL-5_10_0]miniperl.exe "-I[--.lib]" "-I[--.lib]" 
"-MExtUtils::Command" -e cp ATTRS.OPT [--.LIB.AUTO.ATTRS]
%MMS-F-GWKNOACTS, Actions to update ATTRS.C are unknown.
%MMS-F-ABORT, For target DYNEXT, CLI returned abort status: %X10EE805C.

A similar rule fails there:

attrs.c : $(XSUBPPDEPS)

instead of

attrs.c : attrs.xs $(XSUBPPDEPS)

> The system is running HP C V7.1-011 on OpenVMS IA64 V8.3-1H1 
> with MMS 3.7.

It's HP C V7.3-018 and MMS V3.8-2 on OpenVMS IA64 V8.3-1H1 here.
Time to upgrade your development environment... Didn't MMS 3.7 have
issuewith ODS5 filenames?

> I tried building with $ SET PROC/PARSE=EXTEND and /PARSE=TRAD 
> and got the same result both times.
> The file GENERATE_UUDMAP.C exists.

 O Lord, won't you buy me     | Martin Vorlaender  |  OpenVMS rules!
 an HP OS                     | work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 its name starts with "Open"  |   http://vms.pdv-systeme.de/users/martinv/
 and ends in "VMS" ...        | home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       

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