On Jul 19, 2010, at 8:45 PM, John E. Malmberg wrote:

Fabio Ciampi wrote:

@configure "-des" "-Dprefix=DATE$MSA1:[PERL-5_10_1.]"

I have not used the -Dprefix. On VMS, I use logical names to determine which version of an application to run. Perl uses the logical name PERL_ROOT, regardless of what prefix that you assign.

True, but irrelevant. On VMS, the prefix just determines what goes into the generated perl_setup.com to specify where Perl will be installed. Everything will still refer to perl_root, which will in turn point the directory specified by prefix. In theory, vms_prefix is configurable and would give you something other than perl_root; Don't Do That, though, as way too many things have evolved to depend explicitly on perl_root.

mmk test
The mmk process works (I only have some "Warning: long symbol....").
During mmk test I saw some tests failed:
t/op/ exec.....................................................FAILED at test 16 ext/Compress-Raw-Bzip2/t/ 01bzip2..............................FAILED--expected 157 tests, saw 10 ext/Compress-Raw-Bzip2/t/ 09limitoutput........................FAILED--expected 88 tests, saw 5 ext/IO-Compress/t/ 001bzip2....................................FAILED at test 58 ext/IO-Compress/t/ 006zip......................................FAILED--expected 77 tests, saw 17

Perl is sensitive to the logical name BIN, and foreign commands for ZIP and BZIP2 among others.

Yes, the compression modules are sensitive to what compression utilities you have installed. The tests attempt to determine what's there and use it or work around it but often fail to do so correctly.

This one is a bit more of a concern:

not ok 16
t/OP/EXEC....FAILED at test 16
Failed 1 test out of 1, 0.00% okay.

I believe what that's doing is:

$rc = system { "lskdfj" } "lskdfj";
unless( ok($rc == 255 << 8 or $rc == -1 or $rc == 256 or $rc == 512) ) {
    print "# \$rc == $rc\n";

so you might try running that independently and see what happens.

For building and the initial testing of Perl, make sure that all the DECC$ feature logicals are set to their default.

I would say check which, if any you have enabled and try turning them off. E.g.

$ show logical DECC$*

I would do that first before debugging the individual tests.

Quotas could, as John said, also be a problem. We don't have a complete or up-to-date list of what quotas you need, so maybe post the results of

$ show process/quota

22-JUL-2010 13:59:09.33   User: CRAIG            Process ID:   0005B477
                          Node: ALMA             Process name: "_FTA6:"

Process Quotas:
 Account name: CAB
 CPU limit:                      Infinite  Direct I/O limit:      1024
 Buffered I/O byte count quota:   1999808  Buffered I/O limit:    1024
 Timer queue entry quota:             400  Open file quota:        512
 Paging file quota:               2993040  Subprocess quota:        10
 Default page fault cluster:           64  AST quota:              398
 Enqueue quota:                      4000  Shared file limit:        0
 Max detached processes:                0  Max active jobs:          0

and we'll go from there. Or check the documented quota requirements for Java and they will be way more than enough for Perl :-).

I have built Perl many times using

$ cc/vers
HP C V7.3-019 on OpenVMS IA64 V8.3-1H1

without any of the problems you are seeing, so if we dig a bit into the differences between your environment and mine we should be able to get past this.

Thanks for the careful and complete problem report.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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