I asked this a few months ago and received no replies, wondering if I'm the only one with this problem:

I'm running WinVNC 3.3.3 R9, as a service, on a Win2k SP 2 server. My home server is behind a Netgear RP614 router hooked up to a cable modem. I've tried assorted VNC clients, on assorted Win2k laptops, from three different remote locations.

When I connect to my server from outside, the connection times out after about five minutes or so of idle time; the screen shows as frozen with the little square cursor and I have to open a new session. This happens with both VNC and TightVNC clients. When I upgraded to RealVNC 3.3.4 client, that client freezes when *not* idle and the application becomes unresponsive.

When I bring my laptop home and plug it directly in to the router, I can connect to
my server with no time outs. I also have no problems running a server on a work machine
and connecting to it from home going outbound through this router.

Please, any ideas of how to fix this?

thanks Betsy
PS I have the server set to Poll Console Windows Only and Poll Foreground
Window, a combination that was preventing some weirdness using Putty to
connect to HP (which I no longer need to do)
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