> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Warner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Is it possible to run VNC on separate hard disks on the same machine?
> I have WIN98 on one hard disk and FreeBSD on another, on the same PC.
> I would be great if I could access my WIN98 drive from 
> FreeBSD using VNC.

That's not something for vnc.
Vnc only provides access to a running system. Hence if your processor runs
freebsd, it does not run W98 so the W98-vnc does not run so you cannot use
it for anything.

If it is to access the disks, freebsd should be capable of reading the W98
disks. Since W98 uses the fat filesystem, you should be able to mount those
disks from freebsd. If freebsd cannot access your w98 disks, and you realy
need this access from a unix variant, considder changing to linux, it can
access the disks.

btw: the W98 disk is not known as c: from freebsd, it is most likely called
something like /dev/hda1 or such. You need to mount it as all other disks
before you can access the files, the /dev/hda1 is a presentation of the
entire disk as a sinlge file....

If you need access trough W98 while running freebsd, have a look at vmware.
However, I don't think you have the knowledge to successfully use it.

> BTW - I searched and searched for related information and 
> couldn't find anything.

There is none.

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