> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: mercredi 4 juin 2003 19:04
> Subject: RE: Win 2003 Support
> Ok, this is getting very old.  I am a windows guy.  I do not like the
> other systems (lynix, unix, mac), but I do not have to go around
> trashing them all the time.  They are good systems just like windows.
> When Microsoft changes something,

        The correct words are "When Microsoft copies something, ..."

> people get mad, but we call this progress.

        The correct words are "we call this legal plagiarism because of its
monopolistic position and marketing measure".

>  Windows has a lot more capabilities

        And bugs too, especially ridiculous bugs like allowing script
execution in email and automatically executing exe file in email, both of
which make the dream of email-virus come true.  And thanks to IIS, a lot of
rare cyber-species, eg worm, would never face the danger of extinction.  I
think WWF should give Microsoft a medal for its effort of preserving rare

> than the other systems and is definitely more user friendly.
>  Granted, this is my 
> opinion and I
> do not expect anyone out there to believe it based on my opinion.  I
> would just ask (which I think I have done very nicely) that 
> this not be
> a windows bash group and focus on VNC which it was set up for.

        Just my two cents :)
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