> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I'm planning on having a bunch of people use VNCviewer to 
> connect to our
> Linux server once we get the server and Xvnc running.  It is important
> with VNC to have minimal complexity in background images so 
> that it won't
> be slowed down by having to update a very complex background.  So we
> really prefer a solid color background.  Also, because of the 
> large number
> of users, we'd prefer something that won't use too much RAM.  Finally,
> because our users are not very sophisticated, a nice 
> clickable interface
> for launching programs would be nice (e.g., like what KDE offers).
> So, which WM will "do it all" for us?  We need:
> (1) plain backgrounds (maybe all WMs can handle this requirement)
> (2) low memory usage
> (3) clickable toolbar for launching programs

Setup as on http://www.sourcecodecorner.com/articles/vnc/linux.asp . THen
install vncviewer on the desktops. Either save the connection or create a
shortcut to "....vncviewer linuxbox:52"

Best to restrict users to low colordepts and not to huge display sizes. I
don't know how to disable the background (I don't know if `Xvnc` has an
option to do so). Also disable screensavers if you can.

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