These URLs from the (old) FAQ talk about Ctrl+Alt+Del, but I feel they're 
somehow incomplete and I would like to share my personal experience on this with you, 
and hopfully lead to a serious discussion.

        My PC (Win2k)  is mainly the "control-center", ie I use it to overview and 
maintain other PC's.  Nevertheless, I would need VNC server in this PC in rare 
occasions.  So I have installed VNC server without registering the service.  But then 
I discovered that if I ran
RealVNC > VNC Server > Register VNC Server Service
and then ran
RealVNC > Run VNC Server.
Ctrl+Alt+Del still didn't work because I couldn't lock/unlock my session remotely.

        When I took a look in Administrative Tools > Services, I can see that the VNC 
Server isn't started.  I then quitted the VNC Server (the icon in system-tray, not the 
service) and then manually start the service.  This time, Ctrl+Alt+Del worked.

        So it seems that RealVNC > Run VNC Server is just a sort of "superficial" 
server", as mentioned in the FAQ Q31.  Maybe in next version, you could add some code 
to start the real service in NT systems when people run "Run VNC Server".

        Next issue: 
        From time to time we would get posts asking how to hide the system-tray icon.  
The suggestion is
ie to recompile.  Quite difficult and tedious, no?

        From the above experience, by chance I discovered that manually start VNC 
service won't show the system-tray icon (well, forgive my ignorance if you know this 
already :) ).  With some Windows Script, I'm pretty sure it's possible to do some 
trick to hide this icon.  Actually, since this icon appears only when someone's logged 
on, we can _restart_ the VNC Server service as soon as he logs on.  At least, I've 
tried this manually and it works!

        So, is there any plan to separate the console (system-tray icon) from the 
service in future version?

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