Arthur Simpatico wrote:

>I agree.  I have about a dozen ports forwarded to my laptop over the
>wireless connection.  I would've returned my router ages ago if I couldn't
>use torrent or play games on it.
>Unfortunately, I think it's just that many of the people complaining here
>don't truly understand NAT and IP routing or more specifically, internal vs.
>public IP addressing and how port forwarding affects things.
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>-----Original Message-----
>From: James Weatherall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 10:57 AM
>To: 'evets dranem'; 'Arthur Simpatico';
>Subject: RE: RealVNC questions about ports and display number
>>I too have used VNC Over wireless
>>but it _ONLY_ works when I am initiating the connection
>>NOT when I use the server portion _or_ the lisenting viewer.
>In that case, you should contact your router manufacturer for support or a
>replacement, since there is clearly something wrong with it if it can't
>handle port forwarding to PCs attached via its wireless interface.
>Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.

Thanks for a great remote control software.
I use it Daily for my own use and for supporting my clients;
and supporting my family members

I can do torrents over wireless [multi GigaBytes]
I _know_ how to setup freaking forward rules on routers
and most everything else with wireless.
I cannot do realvnc wireless serving regardless of the router and even
direct connections
I _have tried_ most everything _and_ in _many_Many-MANY- different
I _KNOW_ that with my hardware that vncserver WON'T answer with wireless.

I can do viewer; wired and wireless.

I don't give a shit ;  as  I found a freaking work around

I was at my father's and _could_not_ get the two wireless laptops
talking to each other when both were using wireless.
As soon as I made _either_ one the wired server
BOOOM it freaking worked; SO Great; No Problem
I don't care; I know these limitations with these hardware
and this software. piece of cake.

Thanks for all your assistance

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