Erica Cathers wrote:

>We've been having an error message pop up when the computer boots up, about
>WinVNC.exe not being able to locate a dll, specifically VNCHooks.dll.
>It looks like we have both WinVNC v.3.3.3 and RealVNC free edition 4.1.1
>installed. The RealVNC 4.1.1 is the one that starts on its own at boot up,
>and looks like the newer software.
>Is there any reason to have both? Is the "missing dll" message coming from
>the old version, which maybe could just be uninstalled?
>FYI--The computer is running Windows 2000.
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I just troubleshooted a situation where the antivirus software was set
to find malware as well as viruses
It would not allow the proper installation of VNC while AV was
protecting the PC

It also had to be entered into an allowed software list for:
the AV software
the Operating system firewall
the third party firewall
the port forward router

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