Mark Evans wrote:

>I am trying to use RealVNC to connect from my usual XP PC to a 'remote' Win95 
>machine downstairs, but keep getting the
>Connection Refused message.
>The set-up is as follows:
>LinkSys BESFR81 gateway, connected to internet, local IP
>-- Win95 PC is connected to this, and has a static IP of
>LinkSys WRT54GC router, connected to BESFR81, local IP
>-- WinXP PC is connected to this, and has a DHCP IP - usually
>I can browse either machine's Shared Documents folder from the other PC via My 
>Network Places.
>To try and solve the problem, I have also set up port forwarding on both 
>routers to enable port 5900 to be forwarded to
>the Win95 PC, but this has not helped.
>Any help and suggestions cheerfully received!
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Do you have winsock installed?
Windows file sharing does not require that ;-)

it also could sound like a routing issue so further network information
is required
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