Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Free Speech and Funeral Picketing:

   The Fourth Circuit has just reversed -- in [1]Snyder v. Phelps -- the
   $5 million intentional infliction of emotional distress / invasion of
   privacy verdict against the Phelpsians (that's the "God Hates Fags"
   group) who picketed the funeral of a slain soldier.

   The court essentially concluded that, at least where speech on matters
   of public concern is involved (see pp. 25-26), the First Amendment
   precludes liability based on "statements on matters of public concern
   that fail to contain a 'provably false factual connotation'"the
   expression of opinions (see pp. 16-20). This applies not just to libel
   liability, but also liability for intentional infliction of emotional
   distress and intrusion upon seclusion (the specific form of invasion
   of privacy alleged here). If the speech fits within "one of the
   categorical exclusions from First Amendment protection, such as those
   for obscenity or '[2]fighting words'" (p. 18 n.12) it might be
   actionable. But if it's outside those exceptions, then it can't form
   the basis for an intentional infliction of emotional distress or
   intrusion upon seclusion lawsuit -- regardless of whether it's
   "offensive and shocking," or whether it constitutes "intentional,
   reckless, or extreme and outrageous conduct causing ... severe
   emotional distress" (p. 23).

   I think the court was quite right, for the reasons I gave in my
   [3]earlier criticisms of the district court's allowing the verdict. In
   particular, the decision helps forestall similar liability for other
   allegedly outrageously offensive speech, such as display of the
   Mohammed cartoons (or other restrictions on such speech, such as
   campus speech codes' being applied to punish display of the cartoons).

   The court did leave open the possibility that some content-neutral
   restrictions on funeral picketing may be imposed (p. 32), but it
   didn't discuss this in detail. For more on that, see [4]here.

   One of the three panel members, Judge Shedd, didn't reach the First
   Amendment issue, but concluded that (1) there wasn't intrusion upon
   seclusion under Maryland law because the protest was in a public
   place, and not even very near the funeral (p. 40), (2) the protest was
   not "extreme and outrageous" enough for purposes of the emotional
   distress tort because it was "confined to a public area under
   supervision and regulation of local law enforcement and did not
   disrupt the church service."



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