Steven Krivit wrote:

> I suppose it would be fair to inform you that I have been aware for a few
> weeks that user JxG, (Guy Chapman from the U.K.) blacklisted both of our
> sites on Dec. 18.

Is that so? It is unimportant.

> Yours, I think, was upgraded (by JzG's encouragement) to an international
> Wikimedia "meta" blacklist. People in Italy are suffering from the
> consequences of blacklisted access to

What does this mean? I hope you mean that people using the Italian version
of Wikipedia are blocked from Not that anyone in Italy is
having problems. The block only works within Wikipedia, right?

Wikipedia is hopeless in any case.

The message I posted in the Wikipedia talk section, "Surrealistic discussion
of and Jed Rothwell" garnered a couple of responses, but then
everything was erased this morning, not surprisingly.

- Jed

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