*From the 2010 Piantelli patent an important section is excerpted for your
convenience as follows:*

* *

*[quote] The H- ions can be obtained by treating, under particular operative
conditions, hydrogen H2 molecules that have been previously adsorbed on said
transition metal surface, where the semi-free valence electrons form a
plasma. In particular, a heating is needed to cause lattice vibrations, i.e.
phonons, whose energy is higher than a first activation energy threshold,
through non-linear and an harmonic phenomena. In such conditions, the
following events can occur: *

*a dissociation of the hydrogen molecules that is adsorbed on the surface;
an interaction with valence electrons of the metal, and formation of H-

*- an adsorption of the H- ions into the clusters, in particular the
clusters that form the two or three crystal layers that are most close to
the surface. The H- ions can just physically interact with the metal, or can
chemically bond with it, in which case hydrides can be formed.*

* *

*The H- ions can also be adsorbed into the lattice interstices, but
adsorption at the grain edges, by trapping the ions into the lattice
defects; replacement of an atom of the metal of clusters may also occur.*

* *

*After such adsorption step, the H- ions interact with the atoms of the
clusters, provided that a second activation threshold is exceeded, which is
higher than the first threshold. By exceeding this second threshold, in
accordance with the Pauli exclusion principle and with the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle, the conditions are created for replacing electrons of
metal atoms with H- ions, and, accordingly, for forming metal-hydrogen
complex atoms. This event can take place due to the fermion nature of H-
ion; however, since H- ions have a mass 1838 times larger than an electron
mass, they tend towards deeper layers, and cause an emission of Auger
electrons and of X rays. Subsequently, since the H- ion Bohr radius is
comparable with the metal core radius, the H- ions can be captured by the
metal core, causing a structural reorganization and freeing energy by mass
defect; the H- ions can now be expelled as protons, and can generate nuclear
reactions with the neighbouring cores. More in detail, the complex atom that
has formed by the metal atom capturing the H- ion, in the full respect of
the energy conservation principle, of the Pauli exclusion principle, and of
the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, is forced towards an excited status,
therefore it reorganizes itself by the migration of the H- ion towards
deeper orbitals or levels, i.e. towards a minimum energy state, thus
emitting Auger electrons and X rays during the level changes. The H- ion
falls into a potential hole and concentrates the energy which was previously
distributed upon a volume whose radius is about 10e-12 m into a smaller
volume whose radius is about 5x10e-15 m. *

* *

*At the end of the process, the H- ion is at a distance from the core that
is comparable with the nuclear radius; in fact in the fundamental status of
the complex atom that is formed by adding the H- ion, due to its mass that
is far greater than the mass of the electron, the H- ion is forced to stay
at such deep level at a distance from the core that is comparable with the
nuclear radius, in accordance with Bohr radius calculation. As above stated,
owing to the short distance from the core, a process is triggered in which
the H- ion is captured by the core, with a structural reorganization and
energy release by mass defect, similarly to what happens in the case of
electron capture with structural reorganization and energy release by mass
defect or in case of loss of two electrons, due to their intrinsic
instability, during the fall process towards the lowest layers, and
eventually an expulsion of the the H- ion takes place as a proton, as
experimentally detected in the cloud chamber, and nuclear reactions can
occur with other neighboring cores, said reactions detected as
transmutations on the active core after the production of energy.*

* *

*According to the above, the actual process cannot be considered as a fusion
process of hydrogen atoms, in particular of particular hydrogen isotopes
atoms; instead, the process has to be understood as an interaction of a
transition metal and hydrogen in general, in its particular form of H-

* *

*The H-ion is the active agent in both the Piantelli and Rossi process which
itself is just a variation of the Piantelli process.*

* *

*Upon reading this section of Piantelli patent, I remembered the THYRATRON.
The hydrogen thyratron is a high peak power electrical switch which uses
hydrogen gas as the switching medium. The switching action is achieved by a
transfer from the insulating properties of neutral gas to the conducting
properties of ionized gas.*

* *

* *

*Of interest as applied the Rossi process, the Thyratron communication phase
is achieved by introducing plasma into the grid/anode region via slots in
the grid structure. The plasma is created in the cathode/grid region by a
fast rising trigger pulse applied to the grid(s), which then diffuses to the
grid slots where it comes under the influence of the anode field. The
trigger plasma provides a copious supply of electrons so that anode
breakdown proceeds until ionised plasma connects the cathode and anode.*

* *

*A thyratron differs from a vacuum tube in that it has a filling of hydrogen
which plays a key role in the conduction of relatively large currents with
only a nominal voltage drop across the tube.*

* *

*Electrons emitted from the cathode of a vacuum tube encounter a negative
gradient or space charge caused by the presence of other electrons that have
been previously emitted. The result is that most of the electrons return to
the cathode while only those emitted with the highest energy succeed in
penetrating the negative space charge and moving on to the anode.*

* *

*Because of the presence of gas or vapor molecules in the thyratron, an
emitted electron that travels a sufficient distance is likely to collide
with a neutral hydrogen gas molecule, and if the energy of the electron is
sufficient it will cause the gas molecule to ionize. The neutral hydrogen
gas is transformed into plasma of negative ions. *

* *

*The negative ions, which are relatively long lived, will migrate toward the
most positive region of the tube. In doing so, partial neutralization of the
negative space charge occurs, a condition which is conducive to an increased
flow of electrons from the cathode. *

* *

*This process is cumulative in that the increased flow of electrons further
increases the probability of ionization until the process, when carried to
its completion, entirely eliminates the positive space-charge region. Thus,
in addition to the higher energy electrons, practically all of the electrons
emitted become available for anode current flow, with the maximum current
being limited only by the size of the cathode.*

* *

*In the Rossi reactor, the reaction vessel wall is grounded and is
electrostatically neutral. However, it will have a positive charge relative
to the electron emitting cathode.*

* *

*Negative hydrogen ions will travel to the reaction vessel wall and impact
the surface of the nickel oxide nanopowder affixed to those reactor walls. *

On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 9:18 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

>   *From:* Axil Axil
> Ø  The internal heater can generate a 1000 times more H- ions that any
> spill over catalyst element could possible produce.
> Where did you come up with that?
> First, let’s be clear. Spillover is NOT the negative ion. It is monatomic
> and uncharged.
> An internal heater can supply about .2 eV, of mass-energy for catalysis and
> a good spillover catalyst provides almost 3 eV. There is at least a 15:1
> difference.
> Jones

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