Mary Yugo <> wrote:

> Nonsense.  I have told you many times by private email and in public
> postings that I favor funding for cold fusion/LENR research.

You say that, and I think you are sincere. But your actions prove you
are deceiving yourself. You despise cold fusion. You are working tirelessly
to prevent funding and destroy the field. Whenever it is mentioned in the
mass media, you go to the comment section and fill it with unfounded,
ignorant blather, technical mistakes about papers you have not read, guilt
by associations, and baseless accusations of fraud. You and hundreds of
others like you poison the well and destroy people's lives and careers with
your reckless accusations. You think it is all a game, and words have no
consequences. You pretend this does not matter.

Ask yourself: Have you ever once, in the mass media, mentioned that there
is quality work out there, or "I favor funding for cold fusion"? You say it
here, to this audience. Have you written at Time magazine, or Fox News? I
doubt it.

You remind of elderly white bigots in Georgia who say they got along well
with black people and loved them like family. Yet these people were in
charge until the 1970s, and they maintained race divided schools in
Atlanta, where the black schools had no books, no laboratory equipment,
filthy bathrooms with backed up toilets, and such crowded classes that half
the kids attended in the morning, and half in the afternoon, and most
dropped out. This was a machine intended to destroy lives and keep people
in dire poverty. The older people deny that is how things were. They say
they didn't know, they never saw it. They deny it was their fault. But it
was their fault.

>   I'd like to see much more of it but I'd like to see it done better, with
> more use of gradient layer "boundary" calorimeters such as those that were
> made by Thermonetics.

In other words, you want people to things your way, or the highway. To hell
you would like to see this. You want this research ended. You think it is
fraud and pathology. You read nothing, you know nothing, and yet yesterday
you dismissed Pam Boss's work as a failure, based on EarthTech. You have
never seen an experiment that meets your high standards, and you never
will. Frankly, you should at least have the decency to use your real name,
and say what you really believe, the way Robert Park does. I prefer him to
you for the reasons Abraham Lincoln described in 1855:

"When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where
they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where
despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy."

- Jed

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