Hello group,

According to a recent email by Francesco Celani posted on 22passi, it appears that thermal anomalies from his treated constantan wires hav been successfully and independently validated by some researchers affiliated with a major multinational corporation.

Source (in italian):


The email (hand-tweaked Google translation):

from: Francesco.Celani
to NextMe, 22 steps, EnergeticAmbiente, Vincenzo Valenzi
Date: December 4, 2012 19:07
Subject: 2 Slides end of the meeting about the replica.

Dear Colleagues,

as requested, I am attaching a copy of the 2 slides about the first INDEPENDENT 
replication of thermal anomalies using nano-Constantan wires, according to our 
procedures regarding the preparation of the material.
The experiments were carried out in complete autonomy, by researchers (experts) 
affiliated to a major international industry.

Please note the following:

- The reactor used is COMPLETELY different from the one we developed and used. 
As a result, the probability of a systematic error in the measurements has 
become highly unlikely;
- Calorimetric measurements [were performed] and are not only thermometric (as 
used by us, in the specific case);
- They used only 20 cm of wire, ie a fifth of that used by us;
- The wire used is a "base", type 2L, ie with only TWO layers of nanomaterial. 
Usually use wires with 200-700 layers.
- Regarding the thermal anomalies, they begin with temperatures higher than 
those typically found with wires of 200-700 layers. The magnitude ​​of the 
anomalies, normalized to a standard [wire] length, is approximately half of 
those seen with the wires from 200-700 layers.

The "mechanical" robustness of the wires seems to be unchanged.
Apart from my brief preview, the data SHOULD be presented and thoroughly 
discussed before December 15, by the authors of the measurements.

Thanks for your attention,
Francesco CELANI

The slides reportedly coming from a major multinational corporation:


By manually editing the file and displacing the cyan boxes ("XYZ" and "Big international Company" it becomes apparent that the company is STMicroelectronics.


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