An extraordinary paper was presented at ICCF-10 entitled
"Comment On Carbon Production In Deuterium-Metal Systems" by
DAN CHICEA, Visiting Research Associate Professor at
Portland State.

The experiment reveals that when titanium, palladium or a
combination of them was loaded with deuterium, a
considerable amount of carbon was found on the surface of
the cathode after many days - merely as a result of high
loading. These results suggest that there is a strong
correlation between merely achieving a high loading ratio
and the appearance of new elements, particularly carbon, on
the cathode.

How could this be?

The author suggests that the appearance of carbon on
palladium after being loaded with deuterium might be the
result of the multi-body fusion of D, caused by a strong
confinement inside the palladium or titanium lattice and in
the presence of an increased "free" electron concentration.
Of course he doesn't go into much detail about how SIX
deuterium nuclei can all fit into a single cavity and fuse

Despite the excellent experiment, he is almost certainly
incorrect as to the explanation. I will suggest another
possibility, involving a hypothetical chemical isomer of
Helium which is being called Helectronium (**He) and which
can be described as an alpha which is doubly enriched in the
heavy electron electronium (*e-).

The alpha particle which normally results from the cold
fusion of 2 deuterium nuclei, in this hypothetical scenario,
will have no kinetic vector and will thermalize where it is
formed with the capture of two "heavy electrons" which we
have been calling electronium (*e-), with the result being a
highly compact helium atom/molecule which can act much like
a neutron in certain situations, particularly when formed in

When D+D combines and fuses within a very confined matrix,
instead of releasing a high energy gamma of 24 MeV, which it
does in a plasma, the fusion reaction will result in *pair
production* which is not at all atypical for high energy
reactions, with most of the excess energy release going into
the creation of up to two dozen electron-positron pairs,
temporarily taking the form of short-lived positronium,
which is the preferred transient form for electron-positron
pair production. Some of these pairs, in the tight confines
of the metal matrix will combine with valence electrons to
form a stable electron-positron-electron disk "Triad".

This is a most basic creation modality in string theory -
the combination of triplet wave particles into stable mass.
Everything in the observable universe was formed this way,
and there is no reason to think that the modality cannot be
ongoing. After this picosecond *implosion* type creation
event, the rest of the excess energy, now downshifted
considerably will outgas, forming the typical CF crater,
which is seen in the SEMS images.

The positron, for that brief instant of existence, will of
course be rotating counter to two electrons, and the
resultant entity will possess a net charge of (e-) just like
a single electron, and a net spin of 1/2, but a mass of over
twice, up to ~250 % of the mass of a single electron
(figuring that the binding energy mass defect is given off
as lower energy gammas). The excess mass which is normally
found in all neutrons may be an indication that the (*e-)
normally has a mass of about 1.28 MeV. IOW it is a heavy
electron which has escaped detection previously because it
is both rare and will seldom become a valence or conduction
electron, so it cannot be "emitted" from a cathode.

When an alpha picks up two of these to become (**He) , its
resultant radius shrinks considerably and its effective
charge is near zero but it will have a negative near-field.
Now, it is suspected that the Helectronium itself, if three
of them are formed simultaneously, may repeat this very same
triplicate creation process, in situ. The result would be
the extraordinarily high levels of Carbon, discovered by
Chicea in this simple experiment. In effect, the three
(**He) bosons will have formed in a two step process, a
condensate which immediately takes on the wave function
characteristics of carbon.

In 1938, Kapitsa, Allen and Misener discovered that helium-4
became a new kind of matter, now known as a superfluid, at
temperatures below 2.2 degrees Kelvin (K). Superfluid helium
has many unusual properties, including the ability to flow
upwards without dissipating energy (i.e. zero viscosity) and
most importantly, the existence of quantized vortices . This
low temperature is not seen in CF, that is true of course,
but the extremely high effective pressure within a CF
matrix, can give similar analogous results to low
temperature. Both high pressure and cold temperatures have
similar confinement and entropy reducing characteristics. At
least that is the case which is being presented here for
your consideration.

In the case of the superfluid, it was quickly realized that
the state was due to BEC-like condensation of the helium-4
atoms, which are bosons. In fact, many of the properties of
superfluid helium also appear in the gaseous Bose-Einstein
condensates created by Cornell and Wieman many years later.
However, superfluid helium-4 is NOT referred to as a true
BEC "Bose-Einstein condensate" because it is a liquid rather
than a gas, which means that the interactions between the
atoms are relatively strong. The original Bose-Einstein
theory has to be heavily modified in order to describe it,
and perhaps more modification is NOW needed. This is because
the interaction when helectronium (**He) is substituted for
helium as suggested in this situation of carbon creation, is
now hypothesized to result in the appearance of a new solid,
where one there was only deuterium - quite a feat of modern

There you have it... your Carbon Creation Counter-Commentary
for the day.


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