Michael Foster's post regarding lawyers would be amusing were it not for the truth of his observation.
Meanwhile, back in Texas, where no man's life nor property is safe when the legislature is in session, the lawmakers are addressing the rabble's clamor for an " ethics" bill. How do you suppose the "leg" proposes to do this?       Why, write a bill that permits politicians in Texas to accept " charitable " contributions from " non profits".
Why heck !!! anybody can see that, as Mark Twain wrote.. h'aint all the fools in town on our side, and h'aint that enough for any town.
Looking at the alloy steel we purchased since fall of last year. Not ONE mill test report lists a US mill. Over the past 3 years alloy stainless steel 316L has risen in price from $ 1.60 lb to 4.40. Certain types like 2" sch 160 pipe has risen from $ 2.40 lb to 10.50 lb with extended delivery. Mill depots across the US are NOT stocking materials as before. Titanium and Hastelloy and exotic alloys have quadrupled and certain sizes are no longer available.
Interesting article byTom Friedman " out of our hands: where to buck really stops" in today's paper is right on!


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