Not really sure why the "reply to" does that.  The message is technically
being sent from the mail server, not from me per se.  The "reply to" address
should update accordingly... there is nothing I can do from my end.  It's a
mail server thing.

My lazy work around to that problem (and it only really happens with a small
minority, had no idea I was one of them) is to hit "reply to all" and simply
click on and delete the offending address.  That might save you a few mouse
picks.  8^)


-----Original Message-----
From: Grimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2005 1:31 PM
Subject: RE: Correa

At 09:38 am 05-03-05 -0600, you wrote:
>For those of us that read email in plain text to avoid embedded viruses
>please refrain from formatted replies... it is impossible to follow.  Also,
>formatting gets stripped out in the archived messages so the historical
>context of your thread is lost too.
>Just a suggestion.  -john

And a jolly good one too!

I always understood that Vortex post should have no HTML and no attachments.
It's very irritating for people who are reading in plain text to have to
delete wodges of HTML before being able to reply.

And while I'm having a moan I would like to point out, John Steck, that your
e-mail address appears where the Vortex address normally appears. This means
that I have to delete your address, click on my nicknames window and
the Vortex address or my reply will go to you rather than Vortex. Quite a
posts come through like this. I don't know why but I wish people would sort
out of consideration for those of us who keep our Lord Beaty's commandments.

As for attachments, if posters want to refer to photos, diagrams, etc. they
use a URL to their own website or a Yahoo group site.

Moan over,  ;-)

Frank Grimer

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