Grimer wrote

>If nothing else SMOT has made us think about the

I have fellowship with a retired airline pilot that has weather eye. I have mentioned the " strange" vortices shed from the main vortex created in our glass test tanks.(  while the main vortex is spinning) ,     In particular, the horizontal vortexes that form and " coast" across the bottom of the tank.  I mentioned that the severe Florida hurricane last decade had some unexplained damage from winds that may be the result of a horizontal rolling wind shear similar to a Jelly roll type cake. My pilot friend said flying 747's for years provided him all the experience he needed in unexplained wind shears including some during a perfectly clear sky. There may be a way to visualize such activity in a magnetic field  if it has spiral helix properties. One method may be by the use of a ultrasonic flow meter of all things.    Hmmm , thats an interesting thought. We use these type meters in our systems shop. Thinking out a test I will give it a try using a 5 HP TEFC 3 phase electric motor 480 vac under various load conditions. If something out of the ordinary shows up, and is reproducible, I will post it.



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