Regarding: "Applying an abruptly alternating magnetic field -- the cut-off
sine wave on Rossi's desk -- adds further to the chaos."

If a Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) is formed in a gas, Quantum vortexes
will form in the gas where dispersion is matched by non linear
amplification inherent in the structure of the vortex. In this interplay
between dispersion and amplification, the vortex will remain constant. This
vortex will form a dark mode soliton. The sharp cutoff sin wave seen on
Rossi's desk is a magnetic "vortex startup pulse" to get the magnetic dark
mode quantum vortex population established.

Because the gas is a BEC, it is a superfluid. Once we’ve reached our
desired BEC condition, what happens? If it were a normal fluid, then once
the gas stopped rotating under the influence of the magnetic pulse the gas
would stop rotating in short order, and the gas would also soon come to
rest due to viscosity. But the superfluid? This population of vortexes will
continue circling around for a long, long time.

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