

Please correct me if I am mistaken but I assume you are the same "stefan" who 
has posted similar complaints out at the SCP discussion group.


As has frequently been stated out in the Vort Collective...


Experimental evidence always trumps theory. 


I must confess the fact that I personally find Mills' CQM interesting, perhaps 
even tantalizing, see:


...where I wrote a personal report on Dr. Mills' audacious CQM theory. I need 
to stress the fact that this is a NON-SCIENTIIC report & analysis. It is my 
personal take on an upstart brave new theory which seems to have a lot going 
for it. I tried to remain as objective as I could concerning a highly 
controversial theory for which I have insufficient mathematical expertise to 
either confirm or disprove.


Let me change gears here. To be honest I am getting tired listening to yet 
another argument that Mills' CQM theory is better than QM. Such arguments will 
resolve nothing. The solution is both paradoxically simple while admittedly 
being technologically challenging. BLP needs to cobble together an experimental 
prototype which definitively verifies the fact that the technology is capable 
of self-running while generating lots of excess electricity. I have repeatedly 
suggested BLP demonstrate an EXPERIMENTAL prototype as a precursor to creating 
a commercial prototype. I have done so because I am under the opinion that 
assembling the first commercial system may still be many years off into the 
future. BLP bravely implies that a commercial system is just around the 
corner... but I don't believe it. Nevertheless, I would love to be proven wrong 
on this point. But until I'm proven wrong, I have to continue to rely on my own 
gut instincts based on my own 36 years of personal experience in the software 
industry. In my experience developing brand new software (and hardware), 
particularly a new product  that has never developed before tends to take a lot 
longer than originally anticipated.


See my personal posts:



So far, Dr. Mills as repeatedly ignored the primary concerns expressed in my 
above posts. He has said nothing about the possibility of assembling a more 
definitive experimental prototype within BLPs' lab walls. IMO, he seems to be 
evading the question. Mills has instead deflected conversation towards the fact 
that BLP continues to accumulate independent scientific reports that appear to 
verify various aspects of his CQM theory. All the peanut gallery knows at the 
moment is the fact that BLP has contracted with outside engineering firms to 
assemble the first commercial system. The first delivery was supposed to have 
occurred in December of last year. That, of course, never happened. We have yet 
to hear when a new revised delivery date is to be expected. We have, in fact, 
no idea. That is another reason why I tend to think the actual delivery date 
for a real commercial system is likely to be years, not months off into the 


Let me end by saying I don't fault BLPs' efforts. I have no reason to think BLP 
or Mills are acting in less honorable ways. My primary concern is that, IMHO, 
if BLP wants to be taken more seriously, sooner rather than later, then I 
suggest the company cobble together an experimental prototype that self-runs 
and produces excess electricity ASAP. The prototype does not have to run long. 
Just long enough to prove their point. I say this because I am under the 
impression that the anticipated commercial system is probably going to take a 
lot longer than BLP had originally anticipated... perhaps as long as several 
more years. I say this because I suspect that if BLP attempted to cobble 
together nothing more deceptively simple as just an EXPERIMENTAL prototype (a 
prototype not meant for commercial applications) such attempts will also likely 
to turn out to be an equally formidable challenge. In fact I suspect the 
challenge is precisely why Mills has not directly replied to my suggestion.


I would nevertheless be thrilled to be proven wrong on these last points. 
...and perhaps Mills doesn't care to be taken more seriously sooner rather than 
later. Focus on developing the commercial system, and be damned with assembling 
another intermediate experimental demo. If BLP's financial backers remain in 
the loop... if they remain satisfied with the progress they are seeing, running 
a more stealthy operation is a perfectly legitimate strategy. Granted it's a 
bummer for the rest of us who reside in the peanut gallery, but it's not my 
call. ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson


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