Rossi is right, the important thing is the product...all else is chatter.
Without a product, you have nothing.

Joe Papp had a working over unity energy device a half century ago. The
Papp engine was verified, certified, demoed, patented, and whatever else
was necessary to give his investors a warm feeling but Papp never placed
his invention into production. Why, because Papp could not produce a
product and he did not want to produce a product. Producing a product is
far harder than producing a prototype. Most genius engineers don’t want to
meet all the regulations and requirements necessary, endure all the
heartache, feel all the pain necessary to get a product to a buyer.

There are few Bill Gates and Steve Jobs in this world. Mills makes a good
life tinkering with his prototypes and writing his theories. He cannot
produce a product or down deep in his heart he does not want to be bothered
with a product and so he joins the other chattereres as Rossi is apt to say.

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