I looked at the Lugano report, trying to understand the issue with the
implicate power meter
e.g. why the  power loss in the cable does not follow the power measured.

So, people have tried to explain this with some strange temperature
behavior of the resistance.
But isn't it more natural to explain away this by having power sloshing
back and forth over the
cable and at each slosh there is an extra heat loss from the cable. What I
figure is that the implicit meter refers to the cables which where
connected between the power regulator and the control box, I figure that at
higher power, there is less interference from the power regulator hence the
amount of phase shift between voltage and current over the cable decreases
as output power decreases. All this is what is expected in A LC circuit
np?. Why is it so certain that the implicit meter should follow the
explicit power meter when we have no control of the control box?


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