               Your asked [snip] Is it a frequency associated with the wave 
length of the incoming proton in a frame of reference of the Li 
nucleus?[/snip]… great question.. and what if that frame of reference is based 
on negative acceleration?  Naudts 2005 paper proposed that hydrinos in Black 
Lights skeletal catalyst were actually relativistic hydrogen. Li could become 
relativistic or fractionalized via the same surrounding geometry of Ni. The Ni 
geometry restricts the passage of virtual particles and creates a tiny cavity 
that  breaches the isotropy. Any atom passing thru this cavity becomes imbued 
with the inertial frame established by Casimir confinement [a quantum property 
of the cavity walls]. IMHO restricting virtual particles to establish nano  
gravity warps is much easier than accelerating to create an equivalent gravity 
well and is a property of geometry that doesn’t require energy to establish. My 
point being that in contrast to the diminishing returns associated with 
accelerating objects to near C velocities [think rain drops compressed on a 
windshield] the act of restricting virtual particles is more like opening an 
umbrella that makes the rain density beneath it lower than the isotropy falling 
from the sky. This lower density than the isotropy is what makes this anomally 
negative acceleration as opposed to the positive equivalent acceleration we all 
experience as gravity and also makes it easier to modify [impeading a flow vs 
trying to compress a medium].. DiFiore et all was unable to find any 
gravitational mods with stacked cavities but I believe the cavity is balance by 
an equal density spread thru the walls and any gravitational effect will 
require interaction with these regions in a biased manner to create an 
imbalance. Shawyer may be doing this at the macro scale but he is using energy 
to drive a reaction while Rossi and Mills are trying to exploit the biased 
effect of vp density on gas atoms migrating thru these cavities.

photons travelling from our frame to a relativistic hydrogen or  Li nucleus 
should be slowed /red shifted in the same manner as messages sent from the near 
C pardox twin would be slowed/stretched in transition to the stationary twin [ 
although spatially stationary, we are like the near C twin relative to  
negatively accelerated Li.  The  H or Li nucleus would not be aware of any 
negative acceleration but would instead see objects outside the cavity where 
the isotropy is unmodified as slowed down. photons coming from the nucleus 
should be observed from outside the cavity as blue shifted just like chipmunk 
messages heard by the near C twin from his stationary sibling.


FWIW I predict that catalytic action is actually based on a tapestry of these 
nano warps or DCE and that we are just entering the infancy of vacuum 

From: Bob Cook []
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 9:56 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:UnifiedGravity - Lipinski

I am confused: Does the Lipinski theory say the proton has to have 223 ev of 
kinetic energy over and above the amount of kinetic energy to exceed the 
Coulomb barrier, or just 223 ev coming in to the Li nucleus?  (Paragraph 0080 
of the patent is ambiguous.)

Also, does anyone understand the nature of the resonance proposed by the 
theory?  Is it a frequency associated with the wave length of the incoming 
proton in a frame of reference of the Li nucleus? Or is it a precession in a 
magnetic field associated with the spin of the proton?  And what is the nature 
of the connection to the gravitational field?  Is the electric field of the Li 
nucleus eliminated along a given direction associated with the spin of the 
proton and Li nucleus, in other words their common polarization direction?  A 
reference to a document that presents the theory would be nice.  (The patent is 
a large document and maybe I missed the reference.)

Bob Cook

From: Jack Cole<>
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 3:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:UnifiedGravity - Lipinski

This is a very good find.  Lots of painstaking work done by the Lipinski's.  I 
hope they will correlate heat produced with calculated output energy in future 
experiments.  It looks like they calculated output energy based on particle 

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 11:15 PM, Jones Beene 
<<>> wrote:

>       Everything is pointing to lithium as the key to LENR – yet lithium was 
> there, carefully hidden in plain view, all the way back in 1989.

By this I mean that P&F used lithium electrolyte - yet lithium was almost 
ignored as being active, since everyone thought that D+D fusion was occurring - 
mainly because of the helium ash. This choice was because the “textbook” 
Coulomb barrier seems to be far higher for lithium, so Li was essentially 
discounted. In either case, the ash is helium.

In retrospect - it is plausible that P&F were seeing lithium fusion all along, 
since (Li+D) is favored under certain conditions, according to this gravity 

That is to say, if Lipinski’s theory is correct, the Coulomb barrier for 
lithium shrinks by a factor of several thousand times (at a resonance point); 
and thus the barrier is far easier to overcome when it is in the “sweet spot” 
which is in the range of 223 eV (compared to two deuterons – which barrier is 
nominally 1.5 MeV).

From the Lipinski patent:

[0080] The amount of energy imparted to the protons as predicted by the 
inventor's gravity theory to create the proton-lithium fusion reaction is 
surprisingly low. The theory predicts that fusion efficiency will be 
significantly increased when a proton that has overcome the Coulomb barrier has 
energy close to 223 e V. The experimental results described later in this 
application verify that by imparting kinetic energy to protons near the 
predicted energy range results in high rates of fusion that produces helium 

Here is another interesting connection involving nickel, hydrogen and lithium… 
223 eV is in the range of nickel’s Rydberg redundancy levels - which are at IP 
5 and 6. Nickel like many transition metals, can be hexavalent.

Therefore, it can be imagined that on occasion, f/H is both formed and then 
accelerated by UV photon flux – such as the 299 eV UV photons which are emitted 
by nickel… and from there, it fuses with lithium.

Wow. How sweet it is…

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