So they see that a lot of the behavior in 3D is codified in a surface. That
looks like they are onto the link between Mills theory and QM because Mills
codify the information
in a surface as well. Knowing the data at the electron surface and I
speculate that you can deduce the 3D behavior at least in the most common
theoretical system under consideration
in GUTCP as well.

Regarding Einstein. I think that he is allergic to Quantum entanglements
cause he started spinning like nothing before and 15:45 CET today a small
black hole in the
metaphysical space was created at the his t-home-b. We will soon expect the
next coming and a glorious day for all spirits coming home to the friendly


On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 7:27 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> The theory of everything is at hand.
> This is an age of great significance. A new explanation of how space time
> emerges from the holographic principal points to Quantum Entanglement as
> the projector of two dimensional information stored at the edge of the
> universe into our four dimensional neighborhood.  It is Quantum
> Entanglement that keeps our feet on the ground. Just like a hologram is
> generated by the projection of photons through a holographic transparency,
> the two dimensional information stored at the edge of the universe forms
> the space-time in which we live through the transmission of that
> holographic information made “real” by Quantum Entanglement projection. We
> can now all sleep better knowing how the universe really works. Albert
> Einstein can now rest easy.
> Gravity emerges from Quantum Entanglement. It has now been all calculated
> in the paper as follows:
> “The Ryu-Takayanagi formula relates the entanglement entropy in a
> conformal field theory to the area of a minimal surface in its holographic
> dual. We show that this relation can be inverted for any state in the
> conformal field theory to compute the bulk stress-energy tensor near the
> boundary of the bulk spacetime, reconstructing the local data in the bulk
> from the entanglement on the boundary. We also show that positivity,
> monotonicity, and convexity of the relative entropy for small spherical
> domains between the reduced density matrices of any state and of the ground
> state of the conformal field theory, follow from positivity conditions on
> the bulk matter energy density. We discuss an information theoretical
> interpretation of the convexity in terms of the Fisher metric.”

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