Hello Vincent,
Good we agree that it is not a zero sum game. I am sure we agree tat
because of all the inventions and better understanding of things and how
the planet has shrunken, we can feed everybody, we have resources to handle
a lot of illnesses and we realize that there is not possible to be happy
when the neighborhood is unhappy. The last part is not so well said. I mean
most of us want our friends to also be in the have. When the world shrink
there is no longer a way to eliminate people because of nationality or
similar subjective measurements.It is also very stupid to create a large
population that are unhappy because they feel they are not a part of
I liked your link. I am not so sure that the people in charge are evil. (I
think he implies that). My experience is that it is much more like the
Throne game you talk about (never played). Among colleagues in the
financial top there is competition. Because of the nature of the business,
the only measurement that is valid is dollars. It is not the dollar you
take home - it is the dollars you have earned for your company, group,
investors etc.
If we did not learn anything from this financial downturn in 2008, we
should at least see that we are not part of the game. That the normal ideas
such that bankruptcy is a solution for poorly run businesses no longer is
in play. No, it is a collaboration between government (that can negotiate
anything) and the financial world. BTW the big money has its best periods
when the government is strong.
The bible is a collection of advice written over time. There is always
comfort or conflict in any given situation somewhere. (I see that as
positive BTW.) It is not where you will find the answer to specific
situations just guidance.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros

+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 7:07 AM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <
orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

> Hi Lennart,
> I don't think I meant to imply that it's a zero sum game either. It is,
> however, a highly complex game that takes advantage of the fact that it has
> become so damned complicated, and deliberately so. Today few have the
> capacity to "follow the money" to its logical conclusion. IMHO, modern
> technology and the amenities that go with them have now given certain savvy
> players exquisite new ways of extracting all the perks they want by playing
> a 21st century version of the "Game of Thrones". If one looks a little
> closer it becomes clear that the exact same rules of subjugation and
> exploitation over the minions are still very much enforced as they have
> been for thousands of years. It's almost biblical in its scope. Shoot! Some
> savvy scholars could get together and completely rewrite the Bible using
> modern 21 century tales from news clippings of recorded depravity, and in
> the process modernize all the important lessons of morality our society
> holds dear, like how not to do un to others what you would really hate to
> have done un to yourself. These days, there may be less blatant warfare as
> expressed out on the battle ground. However, I suspect some might disagree
> that it's any less bloody, particularly when one takes into consideration
> how the effects of economic depravity have directly and/or indirectly
> decimated huge swatches of society. Not sure I would care to counter claims
> that it's any less bloody. ;-)
> Regarding how top-tier money managers play "Game of Throne" rules for the
> spoils of vast solar systems of currency we have the following commentary
> from CNN money:
> http://money.cnn.com/video/news/2015/07/16/gselevator-john-lefevre-wall-street-culture.cnnmoney/index.html?iid=ob_article_hotListpool&iid=obnetwork
> http://tinyurl.com/qjn6mwy
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> OrionWorks.com
> zazzle.com/orionworks

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