"Would components from the Vort Collective continuum care to comment?"

Unfortunately I can't read Frank Acland's reply, who knows all about it. I'm again getting a message saying there is a coding error and the page won't display.

From where I sit, the news is that the plant is really 2 MW capacity. It has been running on four 250kW E-Cats and has the ~100 original small E-Cats held in reserve. There are now several independent reports that the plant is running well, apart from what Rossi says. Not proof positive but certainly grounds for optimism. The time running should have been 150 days not 160 where it is now. It IS essentially a commercial installation supplying steam to a real customer.

Rossi is apparently working on a new Hot Cat and has stated this has a higher inherent COP than the original low temperature E-Cats. He has also stated that regulations/agreements will make permission to retrofit coal fired power plants next to impossible. The relationship of Rossi with Industrial heat has become clouded. It is not clear that he has sold the his IP to them or is just sharing them.


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