

I like the fact that you added note letters at both ends of the app.  The video 
was however difficult to watch since I presume you used your cell phone to 
video it holding it in the traditional vertical position. When I watched it 
everything was sideways. I had to tilt my head. That was a pain in the neck! 


It looks like you are designing the app to use traditional musical score. I 
have more to say on that matter...


I use a sophisticated MIDI music sequencer created by Cakewalk. It's called 
Sonar X3 - Producer edition. It's on par with Pro Tools except that it's much 
cheaper to purchase. It only runs on Windows platforms - no apple or android. 
I've created a lot of computer compositions with the application going all the 
way back to the 1990s. (As you wisely pointed out, it's important to take some 
breaks from CF work.) FWIW, I never compose music on my PC using traditional 
musical score notation. I tried to use traditional musical notation at first, 
but found it to be extremely limiting since you need to be able to place some 
notes out-of-sequence in order to generate a more human touch to one's music. 
This is especially the case if one is improvising or playing jazz. I don't know 
anybody who uses traditional musical notation when composing on a PC monitor 
screen. This is especially the case if one is using MIDI. With a piano role 
configuration you can still add note letters at both ends. You can also grey 
the horizontal "black" minor keys bands. The major horizontal bands can remain 
white. This is useful to help distinguish the horizontal minor and major notes 
from each other on the monitor screen.


When composing I use three HD monitor screens, and yet, I still don't have enuf 
desktop space. I'm considering getting a ultra-high 4K monitor. That would be 
the equivalent of 4 HD monitors. 4K HD monitor prices are gradually coming 


I cannot imagine myself composing or playing music on an iPad or Android 
device. NTL, I know there are younger tykes who do just that. Guess I'm too 
much of an old fart at 63 years old. I need glasses too.



Steven Vincent Johnson 

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