Axil Axil wrote:

     |  A muon track could look like a proton track in a cloud chamber.
     |  How can you tell the difference?

One can tell the difference by observing the Track Density and Curvature in a 
known, Large Magnetic Field, especially near the end of the track.  

    | We can use a magnetic field to see which way the particle bends,
    | either positive for the proton or negative for the muon. I don't think
    | that Piantelli has proved the the particle he is seeing is a proton. It
    | could be any number of other subatomic particle types including mesons.

Basically a cloud chamber can directly detect [anti-]protons, 
electrons/positrons, alpha particles, muons, and to a degree, mesons (i.e., any 
particle that is “charged”).  For example, mesons are normally detected in a 
cloud chamber, by what happens when they penetrate thin Pb, Fe and Al Foils.

  Sure, Piantelli could have made a mistake, but I find that difficult to 
imagine.  Of course he should supply further proof than just which way a cloud 
chamber track bends, if that is indeed his only evidence.

- Mark Jurich

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