Note that Holmlid is reporting particles with ">10 MeV/u", or 10 MeV per
atomic unit.  This is a measure of velocity.  Holmlid measured particles
that traversed 0.64 meters in 13 ns.  This corresponds to a velocity of
4.9E7 m/c or 0.16c.

This is NOT a measured ENERGY.  If he also measured the energy, then he
could have solved for the particle mass and would have had a much easier
time identifying the particle.  IF - you PRESUME that the particle is a
muon, then the energy of the muon would have been 1.4 MeV.

In Holmlid's papers, I don't see where the measured
beta-decay-causing-particles he measured in his scintillator (that he
concluded were muons), were correlated to the particles that he measured as
having a transit time of 13ns.  I think Holmlid's LEAP was that the
particles measured in his muon detection setup were the same as the
particles he measured with the 13ns transit delay.  He admitted that there
were lots of particles and he tried experimentally to sort them out.
Suppose there were just a few muons...

What if, instead, the particles detected in his scintillator were particles
uncorrelated to the 13ns transit, for example, low velocity (thermal)
neutrons.  These could also produce a beta signature in his scintillator,
but the velocity would not correlate to the measured 13ns particles.

Bob Higgins

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 10:44 AM, Eric Walker <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 9:23 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> The AIROPS engine is a noble gas engine like the Papp engine.
> I noticed that Robert Gordon Britt, the author of the patent, did not
> refer to Papp's patents as prior art.  I was unable to determine where the
> energy for the electrical arc was coming from; I assume he's just plugging
> the engine into an external power source, and that any locomotive power-out
> will be less than or equal to the electrical power-in of the external
> source.
> At a minimum, assuming Britt's patent was for a working device, it shows
> that the basic idea of an engine that uses noble gases is sound, if we were
> in doubt that Papp's engine was a real engine.
> This uses UV to produce plasma expansion just like Holmlid does.
> Note that Holmlid is seeing a current of 1e13 particles per laser shot,
> with peaks at ~ 4, 10 and 14 MeV [1].  That has "nuclear reaction" of some
> written kind all over it, in addition to the question of what is going on
> with the UV.
> Eric
> [1]

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