I would like to see more discussion of Holmlid's evidence for existence of
the ultra-dense deuterium D(0).

>From my reading, I understand the evidence for Rydberg Matter (RM)
particles, and it is strong.  This evidence is based on rotational
spectroscopy of clouds of RM particles - the "snowflakes" I previously
mentioned.  Because these RM particles have such large electron orbitals
(the Rydberg states), the RM particle spectra is highly susceptible to
electric fields (well known Stark effect) and magnetic fields (Zeeman
effect).  In fact, the Stark effect is so large, it can be used with RM to
make tunable RM lasers.  RM forms from many atomic species, not just
hydrogen isotopes.  This RM is NOT dense, and even sodium RM particles are
detected in the Earth's upper atmosphere, some 80 km high.  Obviously, to
float in such a thin atmosphere, the mass density of the particles must be
relatively low.

Now we come to Holmlid's propositions.  The first proposition is that RM
can form in monolayers on a metal oxide surface.  This is not too far
fetched.  One could easily visualize a self-assembling effect of the
hexagons under the right conditions.  Has Holmlid proved a continuous
film?  I haven't seen that evidence.  In other words, the Holmlid surface
condensed H(1) / D(1) as a continuous film could simply be isolated RM
particles that have attached to the metal oxide surface.

Holmlid's next proposition is the spontaneous switching on the surface of
the purported D(1) film with 150 pm atomic spacing to the ultra-dense form,
D(0) having 2.3 pm spacing.  First, is Holmlid expecting us to believe that
the entire surface film shrinks in lateral dimensions by a factor of 65?
Even if such a state switch could occur, it would be unlikely to occur in
the entire film simultaneously - I think it would rip itself into small

What is Holmlid's evidence for the 2.3 pm ultra-dense D(0) state?  As near
as I can tell, the evidence comes from the energy calculated from a
supposed Coulomb explosion - I.E. sudden failure of the mechanism holding
the atoms at such a small inter-atomic spacing caused by an incident
laser.  If such potential energy existed for Coulomb explosion, then there
would be no natural means for even individual RM particles to switch to
this state - I.E. how can D(1) RM particles spontaneously jump to a
configuration having so much higher potential energy as D(0) is purported
to have?

So, how can Holmlid say that the cause of the measured ejecta atoms is
Coulomb explosion?  Could it not be that some form of energetic reaction
occurred between the substrate, the D(1) particles on the surface, and the
laser?  Perhaps a LENR reaction?

Somewhere, Miley and Holmlid parted theoretical company.  I think that
Miley may believe that the RM particles could be complicit in LENR, but
perhaps he didn't buy into the ultra-dense hypothesis.

Bob Higgins

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