I suppose we will have to discover that aether before we can have confidence in 
that possibility.

Would you expect a normal rocket to behave in the same manner if it had to push 
the aether out of its way?   Why would that not require both effects to be 
present thereby changing the reaction mass expelled by the standard rocket?

How would you detect the bow wave or other mass-equivalents to prove they 
exist?  Something must contain the energy that was lost due to operation of the 
drive and it should be measurable.  Then, you will need to modify Special 
Relativity in order to detect the true absolute reference frame of the universe.





-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Mon, Mar 14, 2016 3:20 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Re: EM Drive(s)

Stated another way – does the aether have mass or mass-equivalence (virtual 
mass or effective mass)? 
If so, and the EM drive is moving in aether, then leaving a wake (bow wave, 
eddy turbulence, kelvin wake, etc) also leaves a mass-equivalence.
From: David Roberson 
Good argument.  I just wanted to add one thought.

>From the EM drive's point of view the CoE must be violated because as it 
>accelerates in space a portion of it's mass must be converted into energy that 
>is used to power the drive.  When it ceases to use the drive it begins to 
>remain motionless in space from its point of view.   Where did that mass go 
>which was converted into energy that powered the drive?  Did it simply vanish?


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