Jones, I agree that there are many tantalizing characteristics of Zn as a
possible catalyst material.

My point is only that based on other measurements of AP's fuel, it is not
plausible that 64Zn can be responsible for for the high ICP-MS reading for
64Ni in his Sochi reported analyses.

This also means that it is unlikely that there was any significant amount
of Zn in AP's fuel - probably less than 0.01 atom%.  So, for Zn to be a
catalyzing agent responsible for the LENR activity in the AP2 experiment,
the Zn would have to be extremely active catalyst to have such utility at
the reported analysis level of <0.01 atom%.  In a 1 gram fuel charge, the
Zn contamination would amount to <0.1 mg.

If we go back... In the Swedish analysis of Rossi's eCat powder, no Zn was
found.  In the Lugano SIMs fuel and ash analyses, there was no m=64
material reported.

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Bob,
> You seem to be hung up on the impossibility of 7% zinc contamination and
> OK - you are probably correct on that point, as far as it goes… BUT…
> consider this.
> Zinc has a surprisingly low boiling point of 907C and the typical
> glow-tube reactor does not produce excess heat unless it gets well above
> that temperature. This is probably not coincidental.
> The key feature of this type of hot reactor is that it vaporizes a few
> selected metals which are catalysts for hydrogen densification – notably
> lithium, potassium and zinc. Of that list – only zinc has its Rydberg
> multiple for ionization potential at the lowest possible level – 27.2 eV.
> Next, consider the implications of “single atom catalysis”. This is one of
> the hottest topics today in catalysis. See the Yang article:
> Single atom catalysis (SAC) is ultra-efficient: compared to nanopowder it
> is several million times more efficient, due to surface area per unit of
> mass. SAC does not require vapor-phase, but that is the easiest way to get
> the single atom – as an unsupported vapor. For zinc, just as for lithium or
> potassium, once it becomes a vapor, it becomes a SAC for hydrogen
> densification.
> A few milligrams of lithium or a few milligrams of zinc is sufficient and
> the two together are synergetic since zinc operates in the lowest Rydberg
> regime whereas either lithium or potassium operate at the 3x multiple of
> 81.6 eV which is significantly more difficult to access, even at 1200 C.
> In short, zinc boosts either lithium or potassium for hydrogen
> densification, but potassium and lithium do not help each other.
> *From:* Bob Higgins
> First of all, it is reasonable to presume that any Zn contamination would
> have a natural isotopic ratio.  The natural abundance for 64Ni is 0.9%.
> So, for the reported 4.4% of m=64 to be 64Zn + natural 64Ni, there would
> have to be a 64Zn contamination of about 3.5 atom%.  64Zn is about 50%
> natural isotopic ratio for Zn, so there would have to be about 7 atom%
> concentration of Zn in the Ni powder for this to be the answer for the
> measured concentration at m=64.  This would be a huge contamination.
> Just to play devil's advocate, the contamination would not need to have
> been in the pure nickel powder.  It could have come from another source,
> and somehow gotten into the fuel mixture.  The 7 atom% concentration would
> thus be for the composite fuel mixture.  (I will have to trust your
> calculation! My number for both zinc isotopes together was ~ 3.5 atom%.)
>  The composite fuel mixture appears to have been what was measured in
> the laser-atomic emission spectrometry assay [1].
> I believe laser atomic emission spectroscopy is also a bulk measurement
> like ICP-MS (-probably done as a flame measurement), so it would be a
> measure of the composite composition as you suggest.
> Also, Parkhomov's jar of Ni powder claimed it to be 99.9% Ni.  Even if all
> of the 0.1% were Zn, that would only mean 0.05atom% of 64Zn to contaminate
> the 64Ni measurement.  That would be consistent with the non-measurement of
> Zn in the EDS and the low value for Zn atomic percent reported by laser
> atomic emission spectroscopy in the same Sochi presentation.
> Perhaps you are referring to an EDS assay that was reported elsewhere and
> not in the slides.  The one in the slides (SEM-EDS) was of Rossi's reactor.
> On page 11 of the Sochi report, there is an EDS of Parkhomov's AP2 fuel.
> EDS would measure the particles on the surface and at the points selected.
> There was analysis of the Ni powder particles and the LAH particles.  Of
> course, none showed any Zn.
> ICP-MS is a bulk measurement.  1-2 mg of Ni powder would be dissolved in
> acid, diluted, and then introduced into the ionization chamber.  So the 7%
> concentration of Zn could not be just a tiny spot on a particle, it would
> have to be 7% of the entire sample mass digested in the acid.  When MFMP
> tested the powder it received from Parknomov (ICP-MS), it was found to have
> the normal, natural concentration of 64Ni.
> For the ICP-MS assay in the slides, I take it the fuel and ash will have
> been dissolved, and that the composite powder, a prominent part of which
> was nickel, but not by any means all nickel, will have been analyzed.  Or
> are you explaining that it was the pure nickel powder from the jar whose
> label was shown earlier in the thread that was analyzed in the ICP-MS?  If
> it was the fuel and not the pure nickel from the jar that was analyzed in
> the ICP-MS assay, it is easy to imagine there having been zinc impurity
> present.
> For ICP-MS, the sample, whatever is being tested, must be dissolved in an
> acid. Ni and Zn (if present) would probably dissolve in the same digesting
> fluid.  I don't know if, for the fuel, the Ni powder and LAH were
> separately digested of if a whole sample of the fuel was analyzed at once
> (may have required multiple runs with different digesting fluids).
> Obviously for the ash, the entire ash sample would have to be used - but
> perhaps with multiple runs having different digesting fluids.  Zn impurity
> is more likely in the ash because it could have been contaminated by the
> reactor vessel.  However, for AP2, the fuel was in a SS can inside alumina
> and Parkhomov sealed the ends of the long tube with epoxy, not his homemade
> alumina cement that may have contained ZnO.
> One possible opportunity for contamination is Parkhomov's mixing process.
> He mixed the Ni and LAH in a ceramic mortar and pestle.  Could this mortar
> and pestle have also been used in preparation of his homemade alumina
> cement on a prior occasion?  Possibly.  Yet it is hard to imagine even that
> producing a 7% Zn contamination of his fuel.  I think 7% would have to be
> an intentional inclusion if that were the explanation (which I think is not
> the explanation).
> According to the slides, the ICP-MS assay was done by the Vernadsky
> Institute.  I take it there was a second ICP-MS assay done by MFMP?  Or are
> the two the same?
> MFMP had ICP-MS analysis done for the Ni powder that was supplied to Bob
> Greenyer by Parkhomov.  The isotopic ratio was found to be natural.  We
> have asked if what he supplied to Bob Greenyer was also what was analyzed
> for AP2 - no answer yet.
> The 64Ni concentration is inconsistent with the explanation of Zn
> contamination.  I have asked Bob Greenyer to review this with Parkhomov and
> arrive at a less flip answer.
> For now, we simply cannot trust the m=64 data in his Sochi ICP-MS report -
> neither the fuel or the ash - until a better explanation of the anomalous
> values is supplied.
> Yes -- I have no idea what's going on.  Perhaps there's a simple
> explanation.  Little makes sense to me at the moment.
> Eric
> [1]

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