If I understand right, this idea from Lawandy seems compatible with some recent 
posts by Ecco on Quantum Heat so I think you may have something there. It will 
be interesting to see where it goes.

> On 23 May 2016, at 19:13, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> The answer to these questions varies wildly, according to the theorist. There 
> is little proof that can be called firm. The theory that appeals to me the 
> most is not Holmlid’s but the one of Lawandy. In that theory, there must be a 
> dielectric support for UDH, which is always paired. A larger cluster of pairs 
> is possible with no electrons – instead the charge is balanced by deflated 
> electrons captured in the dielectric. The paper is on the LENR-CANR site. 
> There is no “Rydberg matter” per se, but this dense state can be labeled as 
> IRH or inverted Rydberg hydrogen.
> From: Stephen Cooke
> Oops i meant H(0) of course
> Some questions about H(1) ultra dense hydrogen:
> Is it possible for H(1) to exist as only one pair of atoms in dense form or 
> is a layer of additional pairs in a vortex is required to stabilise it?
> Does anyone know if H(1) matter would contain stable electron orbitals, or 
> would the electrons be freely moving in a conduction band?
> If it is possible to have a single pair and it has electron orbitals would 
> they look familiar? i.e. I suppose they would be external to the pair of 
> protons, would they there for look like orbitals from Helium atom with some 
> offset due to the different reduced mass due to lack of neutrons, and 
> different spin state of the nucleus? Or would they be more complex due to 
> dynamics of the proton pair?
> Is there a reason the protons in the pair do not repel each other? is it 
> sufficient that the 2 elections stabilise them somehow or does it require 
> interactions with other pairs in the vortex to remain stable?

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