At 1:27:00 the calorimeter results state 144 In and 440 0ut. COP = 3.06

Mills claims 300-600 Kws out and 25 Kws in,

You can expect COP = 3 or less in the steady state.

Why is the a difference between actual and claimed power output.

There is a difference between instantaneous power and average power.

"Steady accumulation of energy followed by its rapid release can result in
the delivery of a larger amount of instantaneous power over a shorter
period of time (although the total energy is the same). Energy is typically
stored within electrostatic fields (capacitors), magnetic fields
(inductor), as mechanical energy (using large flywheels connected to
special purpose high current alternators), or as chemical energy
(high-current lead-acid batteries, or explosives). By releasing the stored
energy over a very short interval (a process that is called energy
compression), a huge amount of peak power can be delivered to a load. For
example, if one joule of energy is stored within a capacitor and then
evenly released to a load over one second, the average power delivered to
the load would only be 1 watt. However, if all of the stored energy were
released within one microsecond, the average power would be one megawatt, a
million times greater. Examples where pulsed power technology is commonly
used include radar, particle accelerators, ultrastrong magnetic fields,
fusion research, electromagnetic pulses, and high power pulsed lasers."

On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 2:32 PM, a.ashfield <> wrote:

> E-cat World have a link to Brilliant Light Power's latest two hour demo
> video to generate power @ 0.1 cents/kW.
> Seems to me there are a lot of difficult engineering problems, so their
> forecast of commercial units next year looks optimistic to me.  Mills
> argues that the device is sufficiently cheap that they would just swap them
> out, but I would like to see several units run for up to a year in order to
> get a better handle on the problems before they are out in the field.
> Amongst other things Mills claims quantum mechanics is wrong.  He does
> have a point.

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