This might turn into one of those formatting nightmares. If so, you can read the message at:

Grimer might enjoy it since it discusses the three dimensional Casimir effect. BTW, I think /\ means gradient?


From: Jack Sarfatti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon Jan 23, 2006  1:45 pm
Subject: Fwd: Hal Puthoff's Misunderstanding of the Zero Point Energy & Gravity

Memorandum for the Record

Note that an undersecretary of National Directorate of Intelligence
under John Negroponte is arranging with Kit Green for a debate on
this very issue between me and Hal Puthoff. Hal's insistence on
this wrong physics is putting our national defense planning in
great jeapardy in my opinion. Therefore, it is vital to get this
point understood by the decision makers in The Pentagon and the USG
Intelligence Community where Hal Puthoff has significant influence
because of his previous secret work. Indeed Hal held the same
security clearances as Kit Green when Kit was a top officer in the
CIA in the 70's & 80's - maybe even into the 90's?

No Hal is raising a complete Red Herring and completely
misunderstands the physics of zero point energy. As a matter of
fact everything I have said is completely consistent with Bryce
DeWitt's formula. Indeed it is the same equation 12.29 p. 122 in
Matt Visser's book "Lorentzian Wormholes." Hal below is throwing
sand in everyone's face with those fancy quotes that are true but
that are completely irrelevant to the problem.

Hal does not conceptualize the difference between the relative
quantum electrodynamical influence of zero point energy in contrast
to its qualitatively very different absolute gravitational
influence imposed by Einstein's equivalence principle. Hal's PV
theory is wrong because it is incompatible with the equivalence
principle. Ask Matt Visser and Bill Unruh about that. Furthermore,
the conception of zero point energy in the theory of Hal with
Bernie Haisch is wrong for the same reason.

Hal's misunderstanding of this key point is highlighted by his
If you read Lenny Susskind's "Cosmic Landscape" you will see why
Hal is wrong - proved wrong by observation since the essentially
UNIFORM positive cosmological constant (Dark Zero Point Energy
Density) is causing the expansion of the space of the universe not
to slow down but to speed up! If Hal was correct this would be

The basic effect is at the scale of 300 Megaparsecs or more (from
Type 1a Supernovae data of Saul Permutter at UCB)

V(zpf) = -(1/2)c^2/\(a(t)r)^2

Where a(t) is the Hubble scale factor and "r" is the coordinate
distance between 2 galaxies for example,

The UNIVERSAL zero point energy induced cosmic field g-acceleration
is then

g = - dV(zpf)/dr = + c^2/\a(t)^2r

When /\ > 0 this is an anti-gravity repulsive universal "inertial"
force per unit test mass PROPORTIONAL to the separation of the
galaxies EXACTLY as written by Stanford University's Physics
Professor Leonard Susskind in his book "Cosmic Landscape" that Hal
needs to read cover to cover ASAP. I have given the simple
equations that Lenny explains with ordinary English e.g. his
chapter "The Mother of All Physics Problems". You can think of /\
as the "height" of the cosmic landscape of the actual infinity of
parallel pocket universes in Super Cosmos AKA "Megaverse".

Now as to Hal's "shell game" below, if you go to Matt Visser's book
p. 122 everything Hal cites below is explained.

The basic point is that, the Casimir plate ZPF stress energy tensor
including everything Hal cites below is eq. 12.30

tuv(Casimir) ~ (pi^2/720)(hcbar/a^4)Matrix

a is the separation of the plates

The QED computed Matrix M is 4x4 diagonal with the nonvanishing
diagonal elements

M00 = -1
M11 = +1
M22 = +1
M33 = -3

All the off-diagonal elements like M23 & M01 = 0

O is the time direction, 1 & 2 are the 2 transverse directions
parallel to the plates

3 is the longitudinal direction perpendicular to the plates!

The - 3 means that the longitudinal pressure along direction 3
perpendicular to the plates is NEGATIVE and is 3x larger than the
POSITIVE transverse pressures along directions 1 & 2. This assumes
POSITIVE virtual photon zero point vacuum energy density that is
required by the Bose-Einstein quantum statistics (commutators of
creation and destruction photon operator rather than the Fermi-
Dirac anticommutators).

OK, then, the ordinary electrically induced effective pressure on
the plates is


Therefore the TOTAL QED attractive force on the plates is simply


where A is the area of the plates.

If you made this into a closed cavity, the transverse pressures are
positive causing a repulsive transverse QED force on the plates
perpendicular to the 1 & 2 directions. Therefore, we have a
longitudinal SQUEEZE transverse STRETCH QED effect on the box
cavity from the above tensor. Above I simply work out in detail
what Hal is pointing to in general in his remarks below.

However, and this is the point Hal & Co do not understand, the
direct gravity effect is OPPOSITE to the QED effect. Of course, in
this experiment this direct gravity effect is relative small and
ignorable to first approximation.

that Hal denies comes from the different equation

Guv + (8piG/c^4)tuv(Casimir) = 0

That Hal never writes down in the proper context in relation to the
problem. This is what Hal is missing and it is a completely
independent effect from the above mathematics that give the QED

In summary

1. Uniform zero point energy directly bends space-time and can do
so strongly compared to ordinary matter.

2. The universal g-inertial forces generated by zero point energy
are opposite to the electrical forces generated by this same zero
point energy.

3. The trick for practical metric engineering the fabric of space-
time is to get the gravity effect larger than the electrical effect.

4. Positive zero point energy density anti-gravitates with
repulsive inertial forces on non-geodesic worldlines. Negative zero
point energy density gravitates with attractive inertial forces on
non-geodesic world lines. Of course all inertial forces vanish on
geodesic worldlines by the equivalence principle that Hal & Co
inconsistently ignores in reaching his wrong conclusions - in my

On Jan 23, 2006, at 9:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jack often attempts to draw a line in the sand between his model
of, e.g., charge cluster containment by a "dark energy" mechanism
vs. models of mine and others involving the Casimir Effect.
Presumably this is because his understanding of the Casimir Effect
is very narrow, e.g., that it concerns only a weak force
attracting neutral conducting plates. Therefore, for the sake of
setting the record straight with regard to the underlying physics,
I quote from a paper by Bryce DeWitt , "The Casimir Effect in
Field Theory," in Physics in the Making, ed. A. Sarlemijn and M.
J. Sparnaay, pp. 247-272, NHPL, Amsterdam (1989). There, the
broadened understanding of just what the Casimir effect pertains
to in a curved space-time is presented.

<<Section 9B.7. Formal Description of the Quantum "Ether"

A mathematical description that effectively embodies Einstein's
proposal that the vacuum be viewed as a textured "ether" was given
years ago by Schwinger (1951). In the presence of an external
source, a quantized field initially in the vacuum state need not
stay in that state. Schwinger showed that all physical properties
of the field can be derived from a knowledge of how the vacuum
persistence amplitude varies as the source is changed. The ether
thus contains a complete blueprint for the field dynamics.

The ether may be probed by other means than sources. One may vary
boundary conditions... or one may vary external fields. For
example, the vacuum-to-vacuum matrix element of the stress tensor
is given by the functional derivative

<out,vac|T^uv|in,vac> = -2i (&/&g-uv)<out,vac|in,vac>. (&
denotes partial derivatives)

Here, |in,vac> and |out,vac> are initial and final "vacuum"
states, respectively, <out,vac|in,vac> is the vacuum persistence
amplitude, and g_uv is an external metric field, frequently
referred to as a background field. In principle, the "vacuum"
states can be defined in terms of any complete sets of creation
and annihilation operators constructed out of the field
variables. In practice, they are based on Killing-vector fields
that are assumed to exist in the "in" and "out" regions. Any
combination of fields may contribute to the stress tensor
appearing in the above expression, including the quantized
gravitational field. When the gravitational field is included,
the g_uv appearing in the above expression plays the role of an
arbitrary zero point for the gravitational field fluctuation, and |
in,vac> and |out,vac> can be shown to be coherent states.
Coherent states of this kind can be viewed as relative vacuum
states, i.e., vacuum states relative to the given background.
Note that the choice of a given background assumes a choice of
topology for the space-time manifold.

Other fields besides the gravitational field can serve as
background fields. For example, in quantum electrodynamics the
equation analogous to the above expression is

<out,vac| j^u|in,vac> = -1(&/&A_u)<out,vac|in,vac>.

Here j^u is the charge current 4-vector and A_u is the vector
potential either for an externally imposed electromagnetic field
or for a classical field serving as an arbitrary zero point for
electromagnetic field fluctuations. The above expression is
generally nonvanishing whenever the background field is
nonvanishing - a phenomenon known as vacuum polarization.
Similarly, the above expression is generally different from zero
whenever the background geometry is curved. That is to say,
curvature induces nonvanishing stress energy in the vacuum. We
have already seen that nontrivial spatial topology, or neutral
conducting surfaces, can induce nonvanishing stress-energy. This
is just the Casimir effect. Curvature simply adds more to it.
One may say that the first expression above embodies the most
general statement of the Casimir effect. Nowadays any form of
vacuum-induced energy is referred to as Casimir energy.>>

Hal Puthoff

Again, what Hal cites above is CORRECT but is completely IRRELEVANT
to the point. It's simply misdirection, fancy dazzle obscuring a
very simple point with arcane math that few on this list can

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