Can you give details, facts, iit was sealed and Penon has rfemoved the
seals, has he asked Murray, "come Joe, take a look to it"?
Has Murray a photo of those stains? If the pipes are working half-empty
then the how does water flow in the vertical segements?
Have you idea about the absurdity of this scheme? You was asked to give a
sketch of the piping showing where was placed the flowmeter you answered it
was placed so that the pipes where half full, unsmart tautology. Isn't it
time to cease with this unqualificable impossibility? Absurdity at the
third power.
Similar to your new idea - about Rossi forgetting the spell. The choice is
simple- he has never achieved excess heat or the 1MW plant has worked well.
As the leaked ERV data show it clearly. You can come with any photo
of roofs with no ventillation. Take care, loss of rationality can be

IF you care for LENR can you tell who will speak to DoD next month?


On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Peter Gluck <> wrote:
>> . . . there was no trace of excess heat, this being obvious because there
>> are rust stains on the static vanes of a flowmeter that was not opened but
>> Murray had seen them . . .
> That is preposterous. Of course it was opened! When you remove a flow
> meter from a pipe you can look right inside the meter. It takes a pipe
> wrench and ten minutes.
> That makes no sense at all.
> - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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