What Rossi's lawyers PERLMAN, BAJANDAS, YEVOLI & A RIGHT, P.L point out is that Darden & IH agreed to the instrumentation used by Penon but now claim it was insufficient and fatally flawed. The lawyers point out it is no good making generic statements like that without providing proof. (quoting case history) "“To survive a motion to dismiss, a complaint must contain sufficient factual matter, accepted as true, to state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.” Guarisma v. Microsoft Corp."

"In fact, rather than alleging that Plaintiffs have breached §3.2(b) of the License Agreement, because they cannot, Defendants merely suggest that one might conclude that Defendants’ failed attempts to replica te Plaintiffs work could be explained if Defendants were not provided all of the E-Cat IP Id." The mere possibility a party acted unlawfully is insufficient to survive a motion to dismiss. IH's failure to duplicate the results could possibly be due to not following the IP correctly or even deliberate sabotage to avoid payment of $89 million etc etc They freely admit others have managed to get COP 2.5 to 10.8.

Then there is a discussion about whether Rossi is allowed to continue development of the E0Cat that is shown to be covered by the original contract.

Then there is the claim Rossi failed to pay taxes, dismissed as a frivolous effort to show him in a bad light to the court.

IH claims Rossi committed fraud, without proof he did so. This is a serious allegation that may spell trouble for IH. IH's claims are similar to Jed's I say so, so this is proof.


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