question is the distance,
it is well explained, especially in extremetech article.

there changed the distance, and the measure changed.

anyway, on this subject too, there is bubbles.
I'm tired.

2017-02-18 20:00 GMT+01:00 Jones Beene <>:

> Fear-mongering? LOL. Apparently Alain does not look at the dates of these
> attempts at what are essentially PR, many of which were sanitized and put
> into circulation by TEPCO or their insurance carrier. The company has been
> caught in many outright lies since the accident and this is more of the
> same.
> The best response to the "no surprise" article can be paraphrased from the
> comments from others and from common sense. In fact, it is preposterous to
> imagine that the radiation level of more than 530 Sv/hr now measured ...
> "could be expected" given the intervening years and prior levels which were
> low. Do  you understand what this level means so long after the accident?
> Apparently not.
> TEPCO reported a previous high reading of 73 Sv/hr soon after the
> accident. That would have been in the "no surprise" category, and
> relatively less than expected (Chernobyl high reading was 200) but the new
> reading is completely off the charts, coming this late. It should have
> dropped every year. That is the biggest problem, it is going the wrong way.
> It is a paradigm shift which at worst means that substantial amounts,
> possibly many tons or formerly fertile material (U238) is becoming fissile
> (Pu239) or at least activated in an unknown way. A secondary explosion
> cannot be ruled out since the cores can merge. Thankfully the cores are
> melting their way deeper and deeper into earth, but if the 3 should
> merge... kaboom ... but let's not go there. Google OKLO  a site in Africa
> where natural uranium went critical.
> "If the material causing the initial reading (73 Sv/Hr) would have been
> normal nuclear fuel at relatively low enrichment, then that level should
> have gone down by an order of magnitude in the ensuing time. We should be
> seeing no more than 7 Sv/Hr now, BUT instead, it is 500 or 70 times higher
> in one location after almost 6 years.
> Thus this high reading was actually totally unexpected by many experts not
> associated with the company. It is essentially 70 times higher than
> expected if representative, and could be worse the deeper one goes (or
> less). As for proof of that dishonesty, consider that the Robots being used
> were designed to withstand 1000 Sv (LIFETIME irradiation until failure)
> which is only two hours at this rate. You would never use them if you were
> "expecting" anything near these levels. Of course they quickly failed and
> this means the rate was a huge surprise.
> Had TEPCO expected the 500 Sv level of radiation, as competent engineers
> they would have increased the radiation hardness of the robot by a factor
> of ten in order to get anywhere near the endurance time they needed for a
> meaningful probe. That they did not, completely eliminates their "no
> surprise" BS. They are lying, plain and simple and the robot proves they
> are lying.
> Plus, if the high radiation was localized in a small zone, then try to
> explain why the robot remained over that spot so long... and failed
> "prematurely"? Obviously the danger zone could be much larger and possibly
> the radiation level is even more severe than admitted - since the robot
> failed so quickly. That failure is another smoking gun, so to speak.
> Again, it is ludicrous to say this high reading was expected ... unless
> you are a company that was essentially negligent beyond all reason, both in
> the design and more so in the response.
> Worst of all - 5 years from now, the situation could be more toxic, since
> it appears 3 completely unconstrained cores are converting fertile uranium
> into fissile plutonium at an unexpected rate. Again, if a secondary
> explosion (hydrogen, steam or nuclear) cannot be ruled out, should not
> TEPCO be evacuating a wider zone?
> At Chernobyl, the situation has improved year to year, every year, as
> expected. Wildlife is taking over the formerly devastated area.
> Fukushima, appears to be going in the opposite direction.
> On 2/18/2017 8:36 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:
> to relativize the fearmongering
> high-fukushima-radiation-estimates-no-surprise-to-experts
> reactor-2-far-radioactive-previously-realized-no-sign-containment-breach
> science-health/extensive-radiation-study-finds-no-
> internal-cesium-exposure-fukushima-children/#.WJoJrzvhDzT
> residents-exposed-far-less-radiation-thought
> thyroid-cancer-south-korea-cautionary-tale-about-dangers-overdiagnosis
> not-soaring-at-fukushima-daiichi/
> radiation-and-the-fukushima-disaster/
> diversify your sources, or at least avoid the fearmongers and the salesmen.
> the-art-of-knowing-en_b_10537440.html
> anyway there have been an heavy death toll, beside the huge 20k of living
> near water
> in-2011-were.html
> water kills, we should forbid it
> 2017-02-18 16:19 GMT+01:00 Jones Beene <>:
>> Fukushima much worse than imagined - 3 cores in runaway meltdown with no
>> chance to stop them. China syndrome in reverse...
>> Makes Chernobyl look like spilled milk
>> ings-fukushima-reactor-2-unimaginable-lethal-1-min/
>> How long before the entire Pacific fishing industry is shut down?
>> ntaminated-entire-pacific-ocean-going-get-worse/
>> Be sure to take your rad monitor to the fish market... and avoid the
>> specials.

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