[Vo]:Cold fusion/Theory/Quantum Transition State BECNF - Wikiversity
fznidarsic Thu, 20 Apr 2017 12:36:43 -0700


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***This theory sounds like my V1DLLBEC theory

Re: [Vo]:Resonant photons for CNT ring current

Kevin O'Malley Tue, 04 Mar 2014 09:37:59 -0800

Sure sounds like a Luttinger Liquid to me. But in this case, rather than
the liquid forming out of gas state, it is a solid forming out of liquid
state. Either way, it points to a large, localized, single-file effect of
lower-than-anticipated temperature. Such a state favors the formation of a
BEC. What I call the Vibrating 1Dimensional Luttinger Liquid Bose-Einstein
Condensate , the V1DLLBEC.

One big problem with any BEC theory is that "One experimental fact is that
the observed reaction rate generally increases with temperature."

So maybe the BEC formation is just the initiator of some 2nd stage, more
coherent LENR reaction. Evidence for this would be: When Celani measured
Gamma rays at Rossi's demo, it only occurred during the startup phase.
Also, the same thing seems to be happening at MFMP, it seems to only happen
during startup. My proposal for how this happens is that H1 monoatomic gas
is adsorbed into the lattice and recombines into H2 gas, and this is an
endothermic reaction. That is what sets up temperatures cold enough for
the formation of a BEC or V1DLLBEC.

My instinct tells me that the 2nd stage LENR reaction is Reversible Proton
Fusion (RPF) because it is by far the most abundantly occurring fusion in
nature. Basically, we set up the conditions where fusion occurred with a
BEC, and then once the physical system sees fusion occurring, Nature wants
to see RPF taking place.

On 4/20/17, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2017/04/rom-vitalii-
> kirkinskii-abouti-pdd.html
> and
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2017/04/apr-20-2017-lenr-
> techno-calumnies.html
> peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com

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