Magnetism and fermions have a special relationship. Electrons will absorb
magnetic flux lines in order to reduce that energy that it takes for these
electrons to move together. Magnetism can reduce the charge of an electron
so that electrons can maintain their distance from each other together
using less coulomb energy. This magnetic influence on the nature of the
fermion is what the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect is all about.

Quarks are fermions too. They also have a special relationship to magnetic
field lines but not the same as that of the electrons. Quarks can change
their nature when they encounter magnetic knots that develop inside the
nucleon when these knots are formed in response to twisting of unequal
magnetic field lines.

These knots are explained here

Magnetic nano knots evoke Lord Kelvin's vortex theory of atoms

How can the formation of these knots be controlled? I wonder what the
nature of the magnetic lines lines must be like to from knots inside a
nucleon. A gamma ray can come out of a nucleus and that EMF has a high
frequency and extreme power…is that a clue? Does the magnetic knot
localized inside a nucleon require magnetic field lines of extreme density
in order for the magnetic flux to make an impact?

The change in nucleons do not show up in ordinary applications of
magnetism, so what kinds of changes in magnetism produce nucleon effects?
Protons and neutrons are each about 1.4*10–15 m in diameter. A quark is
smaller yet. It is, as one might expect, very small indeed. The data tell
us that the radius of the quark is smaller than 43 billion-billionths of a
centimeter (0.43 x 10e−16 cm). That’s 2000 times smaller than a proton
radius, which is about 60,000 times smaller than the radius of a hydrogen

The job that is needed to be done is to get enough magnetism inside the
nucleon to make a difference. But the density of magnetic flux that is
required to interact with a quark is truly huge.  Everyday sources of
magnetism cannot produce the density in the magnetic flux that is large
enough for the quark to feel it.

The way to satisfy the high power requirement for magnetic flux is
concentration of magnetic radiation similar to how light is concentrated by
a laser. There are certain structures in nature that can convert, store,
and focus spin, the fundamental basis of magnetism in open ended quantity.
This structure operates on the Nano level which is close to the nucleons
that are the target of this intense magnetism so that the inverse square
law works to the advantage of magnetic amplification.

The feasibility of nucleon decay depends on the existence of proper
nanoscale structures that are able to concentrate, amplify, and focus spin
on the scale that can be meaningful and interactive with the various
nuclear components.   Another factor that makes the organization of spin
more complicated is the effect of entanglement, coherence, condensation,
and superconductivity on these nano-scale structures that might support
super-strong magnetic flux projection. Here super-radiance becomes an issue
where the power of the magnetic field is multiplied by the number of
nano-scale structures in the condensate. This number in indeterminate and
can conceivably be huge.

Metallic hydrogen forms a superconductive wire like nanostructure that can
produce all the requirements necessary to produce huge highly focused and
dense nano-scale magnetic field flux lines.


The influence of strong magnetic fields and instantons on the phase
structure of the two-flavor NJL model.


Both in heavy-ion collisions as in magnetars very strong magnetic fields
are produced, which has

its influence on the phases of matter involved. In this paper we
investigate the effect of strong

magnetic fields (B _ 5m2_/e = 1.7×1019G) on the chiral symmetry restoring
phase transition using

the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. It is observed that the pattern of phase
transitions depends on

the relative magnitude of the magnetic field and the instanton interaction
strength. We study two

specific regimes in the phase diagram, high chemical potential and zero
temperature and vice versa, which are of relevance for neutron stars and
heavy-ion collisions respectively. In order to shed light on the behavior
of the phase transitions we study the dependence of the minima of the effective
potential on the occupation of Landau levels. We observe a near-degeneracy
of multiple minima with differing occupation numbers, of which some become
the global minimum upon changing the magnetic field or the chemical
potential. These minima differ considerably in the amount of chiral symmetry
breaking and in some cases also of isospin breaking.

It has been experimentally shown in quark plasmas that the interaction
between quarks (fermions) and magnetic field change the charge/spin, color,
and mass of the quark. These changes affect the stability of the nucleon
resulting in the disintegration of the nucleon into mesons.

On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 1:25 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> There is a growing consensus among theoreticians that LENR begins with a
> change in the electron orbital of hydrogen atoms, resulting in temporary or
> semi-permanent "densification." Following this step, other phenomena
> including nuclear reactions may poised to happen. IOW - densification is a
> necessary first stage - which is catalytic but probably energy-neutral and
> can be short-lived.
> Randell Mills has championed a method of densification which involves
> Rydberg resonance for thermal gain resulting in a permanent hydrino state,
> but notably Mills has never produced physical evidence to convince other
> scientists of this - and that is probably because he is fundamentally
> wrong. Even if he is seeing thermal gain with the SunCell, he could be
> wrong on the theory and no doubt will see nuclear reactions ... which he
> cannot explain away. Expect further delays until he realizes this.
> One of the other unproved densification concepts involves fractional
> charge. That is the subject of this speculation. It could be coincidental,
> but the Hall effect could be responsible.
> A proton with two fractional electrons in tight orbitals could still act
> like a neutron even if not completely neutral and in fact, the remnant of a
> slight charge of either polarity could have advantages. One type of dense
> hydrogen isomer has been labeled a "quasi-neutron". In some ways this
> concept fits experimental findings better than anything else - and a short
> lived QM particle could be the true identify of what Widom and Larsen have
> labeled an "ultra-low momentum neutron". Its low momentum could be a
> function of residual positive charge ... since when trapped in the negative
> cloud (near-field effect of a host matrix) it essentially "freezes" where
> it forms.
> In ferromagnetic materials like nickel, the Hall effect can include an
> additional contribution, known as the anomalous Hall effect (or the
> extraordinary Hall effect), which is particularly large in nickel near the
> Curie temperature and involves spin and magnetic oscillation. The Curie
> temperature of nickel is around 350C and has been associated with
> triggering anomalous LENR heating in the past. With nickel, the anomalous
> Hall coefficient is about 100 times larger than the ordinary Hall
> coefficient.
> When combined with the implications of the fractional quantum Hall effect
> or FQHE, we may be looking at a new mechanism for hydrogen densification
> involving both the anomalous Hall effect AHE combined with FQHE in a single
> step, resulting in a quasi-neutron which has slight charge.
> The FQHE is a physical phenomenon in which the Hall conductance of
> electrons shows precisely quantized plateaus at fractional charge values,
> such as -1/3 or -2/3. A quasi-neutron composed of same would have two
> fractional electron values added and which when combined in pairs, permit
> slight residual charge such +1/3 or -1/3.
> In the case of nitinol alloys the Curie point can be near room
> temperature. A lower value almost certainly happens with other alloys of
> nickel as well. Nitinol would therefore be a candidate for demonstrating a
> Hall mechanism. In fact, nitinol came up for other reasons as a LENR
> matrix, but the experiments apparently went nowhere. Jack Cole was not
> successful with an attempt. Here is a reference to another of several
> proposals. The problem with them is that a magnetic field - a fairly weak
> magnetic field, must be in place for the above mechanism to work.
> 24-nitinol-the-possible-optimum-lenr-fuel
> IMHO, even if the Ni-Ti alloy has not shown decent results, it could be
> made to work in LENR eventually ... but probably a better use of resources
> is to find an alloy of nickel which has both the low Curie point and
> additionally is more reactive with quasi-neutrons. Based on normal
> neutrons, the cross section for nickel and titanium could be too low to see
> thermal gain even if quasi-neutrons do form.
> This mechanism would open up another possibility for a nickel silver
> alloy, which is why it came up. Even if not a true alloy, a nano-mixture of
> Ni and Ag could shine, so to speak. That would assume the Curie point drops
> sufficiently. Another possibility is an alloy of nitinol and silver.

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