Then you have confirmed it:  That promising line of inquiry was
dropped.   You should at least post what you just said on the MFMP
website and ask for anyone who might be interested in furthering this
line of inquiry to get involved.  It wasn't dropped due to lack of
progress, it was dropped due to personal circumstance.

On 7/13/17, AlanG <> wrote:
> The experiment reported in your link was done by Mathieu Valat in
> France, with support from Jean-Paul Biberian. Mathieu was unable to
> continue that work due to the burden of supporting a family. However, he
> has recently re-commissioned his concentric-tube calorimeter and gamma
> spectrometer in a new lab. Due to his employment restrictions, he is no
> longer able to pursue this work under the MFMP umbrella, but we hope he
> will publish any significant findings in the future.
> Research is a slow, methodical process, with each step refining the
> parameters and adding to the body of knowledge. In each of our projects,
> we try to build on what we learned in previous work. Thus Mathieu's
> report led me to acquiring a gamma spectrometer and other detectors for
> low-energy gamma. This in turn enabled the detection in GS5.2 of
> brehmsstralung gamma emission. My current project has a similar goal,
> looking for photon emission from prepared samples of Nickel and other
> metals exposed to hydrogen, so the work goes on.
> On 7/13/2017 6:59 AM, Kevin O'Malley wrote:
>> Alan:
>> The original gamma finding was never updated in 2013.   MFMP simply
>> went silent on it.
>> On 7/12/17, AlanG <> wrote:
>>> Every experiment we run since 2013 has gamma spectrometry in place as
>>> well as a sensitive Geiger-Muller pancake detector and several neutron
>>> bubble detectors. All the spectral data and G-M counts are published in
>>> near real time and made permanently available for open viewing and
>>> analysis. Just follow the links I posted.
>>> As a general rule, we try to avoid drawing conclusions from our data
>>> unless it is clearly unusual, and only then after extensive analysis and
>>> discussion by the Crowd. This includes you of course, and I encourage
>>> you to look at the gamma data from GS5.3 and GS5.4 which ran earlier
>>> this year. If you see anything that looks unusual or otherwise worth
>>> discussion, let us all know.
>>> *AlanG / MFMP*
>>> On 7/12/2017 4:44 AM, Kevin O'Malley wrote:
>>>> The issue is:What have you been doing with that gamma ray thing.  All
>>>> the rest fits into what I called "whatever it is".
>>>> On Tuesday, July 11, 2017, AlanG <
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>      On 7/11/2017 10:24 PM, Kevin O'Malley wrote:
>>>>>      The gamma ray finding of MFMP was replicated within 48 hours by
>>>>> Hans
>>>>>      Biberian.   And then they just faded away onto whatever it is
>>>>> they've
>>>>>      been doing for 4 years.
>>>>      Kevin, your comment suggests that you haven't been paying
>>>>      attention or even bothering to search. Just this year, we
>>>>      performed four serious experiments as a group and individually,
>>>>      including an in-depth detailed field test of the me356 reactor.
>>>>      Our goal is the practice of Live Open Science, and nothing is
>>>>      hidden, no matter what we find.
>>>>      My current research in Ni-Ag (Live Doc - watch for updates) can be
>>>>      seen at
>>>>      Below is a partial list of links to our previous work over the
>>>>      past five years, in roughly chronological order.
>>>>      *
>>>>      **AlanG / MFMP*
>>>>      Dogbone->Glowstick genesis
>>>>      &
>>>>      Glowstick Sealing Evernote (AG)
>>>> <>
>>>>      Ni Etching Evernote
>>>>      <>
>>>>      Dogbone Evernote (Ryan Hunt)
>>>> <>
>>>>      Higgins_Dogbone_drawings
>>>> <>
>>>>      Higgins Spec7 (GS5.2)  Analysis
>>>>      QuantumHeat Dogbone blog
>>>> <>
>>>>      Dogbone Live Doc
>>>> <>
>>>>      or
>>>> <>
>>>>      Dogbone Analysis - Excess Heat calc.
>>>> (Higgins)
>>>>      Dogbone Analysis paper (Higgins)
>>>> <>
>>>>      Core Heater notes (w/coil shadow)
>>>> <>
>>>>      or
>>>> <>
>>>>      GS2 data archive
>>>> <>
>>>>      or
>>>> <>
>>>>      GS3 data archive
>>>> <>
>>>>      or
>>>> <>
>>>>      GS4 data archive
>>>> <>
>>>>      or
>>>> <>
>>>>      GS5.2 Live Doc
>>>> <>
>>>>      or
>>>>      GS5.3 data archive
>>>>      <>
>>>>      or
>>>> <>
>>>>      GS5.3 TN7200 spectra on CloudDrive
>>>>      <> missing 17Jan2017
>>>>      GS5.3 Calibration Video on CloudDrive
>>>> <>
>>>>      GS5.4 live doc
>>>>      GS5.4 data archive
>>>> <>
>>>>    Virus-free.
>>>> <>
>>>> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>> ---
>> This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

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