The retraction by the Plos editor is regrettable, even stupid. We can only wait 
to see if it will be an total embarrassment for them. 

In the end, the burden of proof is going to be met with a commercial product, 
or not at all. 

Based on everything in the record, we could see something like a commercial 
neutron generator as an initial product. These neutron generators are used for 
such tasks as petroleum well-logging. 

Normally the neutron well logger requires tritium - very expensive. Holmlid 
indicates that his device will not require tritium. The World-wide market for 
these is actually quite large and no one else uses muon catalyzed deuterium 
fusion as the source of neutrons. 

Norront is well positioned to become a prime supplier, if they can avoid the 
need for tritium - especially given Norway's petro industry would be an initial 

Here is a Russian product with lots of details - which is what the present 
competition looks like. The Russians would be smart to take a license from 

VNIIA - Neutron generators - Well-logging

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VNIIA - Neutron generators - Well-logging




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