
ORNL is supplying this isotope to others. They are not making it for their own 
use AFAIK.
In fact they are somewhat obligated as a government lab to support private 
industry in this way. Prior to this, they were actually reselling Russian 
isotopes at a very high price which benefited the Russian economy. Their 
Isotope sales division has an online store.

According to Ed Storms, the reaction Ni62 + p = Cu63 produces 5.6 MeV/event of 
nuclear energy - and on paper it is clean. There must, in fact, be little 
residual radiation if the results are to be believed. This set of realities and 
other considerations has convinced Ed that Rossi could be for real, despite his 
obvious dishonesty in other areas.

For 1 kW of nuclear power to be generated, this particular reaction must occur 
about 10e15 times/sec. If the reaction were not clean there would be severe 
toxicity and in fact multiple fatalities (dead grad students). Everything fits 
together except the numerous failings of the actual Lugano experiment. (and the 
later complete rejection of Rossi by IH ... when if the results were true, they 
could all be billionaires)

BTW  - the % enrichment which we find in nature of isotope Ni62 is surprisingly 
low. It should be higher given its nuclear stability. 

Also, perhaps the level of enrichment must be high for reliable operation of a 
reactor - thus the reaction works best with at least a seed of highly enriched 
The only problem with this assessment is that IH should have seen the good 
results and apparently, they did not. They are the only major investor to put 
their money where their intentions were - and then they backed away. That is 

Jones <> wrote:  
I  doubt that ORNL would start up production of Ni-62 without good reason and 
based on any questionable patents. 

Transmutation of Ni to Cu makes no sense to me for any practical purpose.  Cu 
is cheaper than Ni-62.

Not only would the fuel have to be doped with Ni-62, the other Ni isotopes 
measured in the Lagano fuel would have to be sprinkled in (salted) to get the 
unusual ratios of isotopes observed or eliminated from the orginal fuel load.  
That would not be easy.

Focardi would have to have been blowing smoke or was fooled earlier by the same 
sort of salting you suggest.  

I do not consider either Focordi nor the Swedes were duped. 
Bob Cook
 From: Jones Beene <>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2019 7:13:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Oak Ridge enriching isotopes again Robin,

> I fail to see why they would need pure Ni62 for LENR. 

To be clear - there is no objective proof that LENR does require or even 
benefits from any specific isotope.

This particular one just happens to be the isotope mentioned in the major claim 
of Rossi's patent - as being the active isotope for proton transmutation of 
nickel into copper. It is really the one and only detail which is protected by 
that granted patent. And there are other reasons to focus on it.

Supposedly Focardi came up with the explanation for energy gain via proton plus 
Ni62 fusion. The particular isotope has almost dropped out of view, as of late, 
and you never hear of it. Curiously, in the Lugano fiasco five years ago, in 
spectrograph testing done after the event -it was claimed by the Swedish 
professors that Ni-62 constituted almost 99% of the recovered ash. That would 
be astounding if true.

Yet, the level of purity the found is identical to the isotope sold by ORNL, 
leading to the suspicion that the Lugano reactor had been "salted" with the 
isotope. Rossi was the only one allowed to handle to samples on loading and 

I believe this exact detail was poised to be a major part of the legal evidence 
that IH was going to present - had the Lawsuit gone to trial. That could be one 
reason that a trial was avoided.

We are still waiting for these Swedish professors to duplicate that test in 
order to prove they were not duped. They promised to do this years ago, but 
have been silent on the results if they did do it.


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