Well -  I would suggest writing to ZG directly - to ask what catalyst Norront 
now favors…

However, I have heard that he is not responsive to questions which involve 
trade secrets.

Which stands to reason – after all they do plan to go to market with a 
commercial product.

From: Teslaalset

I watched his presentation via YouTube, but it was not mentioned there 
(including the questions part). 

Check Zeiner-Gundersen’s presentation at ICCF-21. Not sure but it could have 
come out in later questioning.
"In fact, it is now becoming evident what Sindre Zeiner-Gundersen may have 
meant when he said that they are no longer using the Shell catalyst (iron 
oxide) of Holmlid but have made an improvement." 
➢ What is the source of this statement?

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