Why do many tidal gauges show almost zero sea level rise over the past 40 years 
and almost none of them match the satellite data?
This is from the NextBigFuture and is a hated topic among many climate experts 
as there are no easy answers.

Not so obviously - this anomaly could be attributed to the land itself  - land 
rising as fast as the sea level is rising. But how is that possible?

There is a controversial further hypothesis - "the expanding earth hypothesis". 
Wiki has an entry.

Or ... even more contentious is the suggestion of Paul Dirac that the universal 
gravitational constant decreases over time.
Dirac is arguably the most intelligent human to have ever lived. That does not 
make him correct on everything.

Claimed Five Inches of Global Sea level Rise Has Minimal Effects – 

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Claimed Five Inches of Global Sea level Rise Has Minimal Effects – NextB...




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