Sources please.

On Fri., Mar. 20, 2020, 1:16 p.m. Michael Foster, <> wrote:

> Italy is not really a model for what happens with covid19. First of all it
> has an average age nearly 10 years older than the U.S.  It is also swarming
> with Chinese nationals since it signed up for Belt and Road. There are also
> 300,000 illegal alien Chinese working in the leather industry in northern
> Italy where all the trouble is. Further, the head of what amounts to the
> Italian version of the CDC has just announced that he can only confirm that
> two (count 'em two) of the deaths previously attributed to covid19 could be
> confirmed to be so. The other deaths could be attributed to other causes
> because these people were already very old and very sick.
>  All I'm saying is that this ridiculous overreaction to covid19 (SARS-2)
> is probably doing more harm than good. Foot dragging by the FDA about
> getting as much chloroquine as possible out to those in need is going to
> cause a lot of deaths. The cure rate of covid19 treated with chloriquine
> appears to be about 100% where it's being used. That twit White House
> Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx ought to be shipped off
> to China. In addition to providing excuses as to why chloroquine isn't
> being used immediately, she said that she believed the Chinese when they
> indicated there were no new covid19 cases in China. Yup, there's a woman
> you can feel confident about.
> Oh, one other thing about Italy. They literally had a "Hug a Chinese"
> campaign going on a short while ago, because it was feared there was some
> sort of racism going on. There were videos of Italians hugging Chinese
> tourists and Belt and Road operatives on TV and on the internet. Needless
> to say, those videos were pulled quickly.

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