Hi Bob, cheers for the thoughts but it obvs wasn't really a serious
exercise - the bosonic nature of the D2 molecule and nucleus, along with
the high magnetic moment of Ni as a potential short-range polarising factor
just seemed to offer up a possibly-fertile axis of coherence; scaling up
might simply widen the goalposts for longer-wavelength virtual particle
interactions causing longer-range couplings - the central conceit being
that D2 is just inherently more 'volatile' to such spontaneous coherences
owing to its natural integer atomic solutions..  almost as tinder for
igniting the real fire, which basically reduces to a doubtless-naive
attempt to generalise Rossi's theory..

Rossi's OU theory i distilled from his paper (of course) helped along with
hints from replies on his JONP that seemed to jell in a consistent
direction.  At some point last year he mentioned that high-dv/dt impulses
were key to stimulating the energy gain conditions, and a few weeks later i
realised this was most likely an allusion to the principle technique for
generating so-called 'cold plasmas', AKA non-thermal or non-equilibrium

These are fascinating systems on multiple levels; there's a new frontier
here of unexplored terrain, if all uphill - racing through a whole series
of closing doors, brief windows of opportunity for forcing a system to
adopt novel configurations through shear thermodynamic expediencies of the
practicalities of quantisation and the finite time requirements of certain
entropic processes such as thermal dissipation.

Yet for all their potential novelty, cold plasma are arguably TRUE
'plasmas' in the literal sense, simply due to the fact that their high
self-reactivity - reminiscent of that of blood plasma - was the reason that
name was borrowed for this 'new state of matter' in the first place;  the
researchers noticed these exotic self-reactive species being spontaneously
generated, were reminded of phages and t-cells or whatevs in blood plasma..
and that's how the name 'plasma' actually came about.  Thus you might say
cold plasmas are plasmas 'of the first kind' - the thermal plasmas with
which we're more familiar are really kind of tagging along on the eponym,

..but i digress; short-width EMF's can selectively energise electrons over
ions (owing to the 1836x mass ratio) and thus very little energy, artfully
applied, can superheat the electron population of a contained plasma to
such temperatures that their thermal phase begins to find resonant modes
with their zitterbewegung phase, providing an axis of quantum-classical
coherence facilitating long-range Cooper-type couplings of like-polarised
electrons to merge spins and so phase-transition to a bosonic state,
sharing Fermi numbers..

Usually only complimentary pairs of electrons can share the same quantum
energy state - this is why the shell-filling formula's 2n² - but short
time-frame manipulations can raise sufficiently-extreme conditions that
like-polarised couplings become not just viable but preferable as the
lowest-possible energy or entropy configuration.

But these circumstances set up an inherent proposition:  push this concept
to its logical conclusion, and in principle from an initial population of
say 1e9 free electrons you could aim to cause all of them to collapse into
a single condensate sharing a unitary quantum state, ie. with a Fermi
number converging towards '1'.   For this, you'd need to super-heat the
population uniformly, preventing hotspots from forming and cooking off
prematurely (since once a phase transition's initiated it sucks all further
input energy), which means allowing sufficient time for input EMF's to
dissipate between the electron population, but all while racing against the
inevitable dissipation of energy to the ion population, which we want to
remain as cool as possible.  So, a technical tight-rope to walk, yet there
it is..

Get it right and electron condensates precipitate out, nucleating around
the slow & heavy protons to form these exotic 'picometric aggregates',
having an emission line consistent with the precessional magnetic moment of
a protium-nucleated thermo-ZBW condensate.

If up-down couplings could in principle halve Fermi numbers of a given
electron population, aggregate coherent up-up and down-down couplings
would, in principle, cause even more precipitous drops in system entropy -
in principle converging to a unitary boson condensing from a super-critical
state - thus vacating quantum energy states that will inevitably be lower
than those of surrounding environmental free electrons, which
instantaneously drop down into these freed-up lower quantum energy states
as they become available..

..when these transient coherences then collapse, the vacuum has to
re-assign unique states to all fermions departing the former quasi-boson,
in the same instant.. all of their former states now reoccupied by
environmental dissipation of quantum entropy.. hence they must necessarily
be assigned higher quantum energy states than those they formerly vacated.
This gives the extra kick of h-bar from VP's / the vacuum when such
clusters dissociate, each cycle decreasing the entropy of the vacuum while
increasing the quantum entropy of everything else, which apparently is
perfectly safe and sustainable, for now.. (?)

The scam's basically exploiting nature's clumsy motions to equilibrium at
every step - cook electrons uniformly and evenly up to a super-critical
flashover and all condense in the same event, as the lowest-possible energy
configuration in the available time - a kind of metastable or homeostatic
equilibrium - which in turn vacates unique lower-energy quantum states for
environmental fermions to drop down into - again a natural motion towards
equilibrium - culminating in the crunch-point of the re-fermionisation
transition of the decohering low-entropy quasi-bosonic state in which the
vacuum HAS to assign potentially untold fermions higher-energy quantum
states than they initially vacated, in the same instant.  The energy gain
is the anomalous pumping and dumping of entropy from the vacuum into the
environment.  Whether this polarises the vacuum, undercuts the local value
of ZPE, or provides some other more-horrifying solution to the Fermi
paradox remains an open question.

What seems certain is that Rossi does have effective and robust EM OU,
basically canned and all but good to go by all accounts;  this much being
circumstantial of course.  But the areas of theory he's been delving into
are target-rich;  he's since confirmed that E-cat is, indeed, based upon
the principles of non-thermal plasma control, and optimising fluctuations
in system entropy is just the physically-inevitable conclusion of the 'cold
plasma' concept, arising naturally when you sufficiently energise electrons
to the exclusion of ions.  An OU system is obvs not really closed but open
to the environment in some way, and as such this does seem a potentially
viable if novel heist plan, at least from where i'm sitting..

But furthermore, Rossi's developed from a working assumption of some kind
of LENR, to dismissing it altogether as a factor in his IP;  implying that
he knows something about the subject others may have hitherto missed, some
kind of identifying criterion or causal factor that can be reliably written
out of the equations, thus precluding it as a possibility, apparently to
satisfaction of all due diligence..

Hence i remain open to the possibility of these novel extreme low-entropy
states perhaps also fostering long-range p-p interactions via the
intermediary of singlet-state quantum atmospheres they're momentarily
immersed in, perhaps enabling redistributions of compositions that preserve
baryon number if not initial disposition..  ie. the possibility of
transmutations being somewhat incidental to the energy gain, or perhaps
even endothermic and fuelled by it, rather than necessarily releasing
nuclear PE as from the gluon field..

..and likewise, the possibility of these novel effects cropping up in other
unexplained cases that might seem to resonate..  so, yep.. trying to apply
it to the Thermacore runaway may seem no small stretch, but for the aspect
that initially drew my attention - D2 presenting multiple potential bosonic
phases, and thus novel axes of coherence, on its way down from molecular to
atomic and ultimate breakdown configurations; one might even envisage such
confluences between different states of matter in the same gas, should they
became thermodynamically expedient under certain manipulations..  the gist
reducing to a Maxwellian daemon between the vacuum and baryonic /
thermodynamic realms, albeit dependent upon 2LoT and all conservation
principles holding precisely as they're supposed to at each step in the

Rossi's 'E' day's coming up fast - under a fortnight now.  We've all seen
enough of these would-be day-zero's come and go to get too excited, but the
revolution won't be televised, remember..  eventually one of these OU
claimants - a Rossi, a Ylidiz or whomever - is gonna be legit, and
cosmological sustainability be damned, on that day all other energy techs
are a busted flush.  11 days to go, tick tock..  ;)

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