The 2 Billion K  "Over Unity" x-rays that Sandia's machine recently generated correspond to 172 KeV. Annihilation of the elusive  (*e-) or (e-  e+ e-)  Electronium or Ps- entity that could be in the electron cloud or in a neutron of the steel (Carbon & Iron) might occur under the Z Pinch conditions. The websites for the generator at Blackett Labs at Imperial College are unavailable this morning.
For charge conservation one can assume that the regular electron bound in the particle
returns to it's initial state when the Positronium Pair portion  (bound e- e+) annihilates.
Starting out with three 510 KeV electrons and a positron giving up about 170 KeV or more photons
each as binding energy (mass defect) and ending up with a regular electron plus
172 KeV photons when the (*e-) annihilates as well as arriving at the (*e-) mass poses a bit of a math puzzle.

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