I have discussed these topics here from time to time. I am preparing a talk
on them. I propose to stop global warming using cold fusion in two steps:

   1. Stop emitting carbon dioxide by using cold fusion energy.
   2. Remove excess carbon from the atmosphere by growing billions of
   trees. When they are old, cut them down and bury them underground in
   abandoned open-pit coal mines.

Item 2, reforestation to sequester carbon, has been suggested by many
experts. I have taken their ideas and shown how the project can be enhanced
with cold fusion.

I cannot fit the following into the talk, but here are three interesting
things I have learned in the last few years.

1. The experts do not agree how much carbon this could be removed from the
atmosphere with this method. The experts also do not agree whether
old-growth forests continue to sequester carbon or not. Some say
that leaves on large, mature trees sequester a great deal of carbon. Others
disagree. Quote:

“[W]hether carbon accumulation continues or peaks when net additional wood
growth is minimal (in “old-growth” forests) is disputed.”

- Gorte, R.W., *U.S. Tree Planting for Carbon Sequestation*. 2009, U.S.
Congress: Congressional Research Service.

Here are some recent articles about carbon sequestration by reforestation.
I have highlighted some disagreements among experts, and some aspects of
the project that cold fusion would enhance.

Reforest Action, Contribute to the Global Carbon Neutrality . . . by
Funding the creation and preservation of Forests,
https://www.reforestaction.com/en/contribution-climate, 19 million trees

University of Aukland, Can reforestation help reverse the extinction

Congressional Research Service, U.S. Tree Planting for Carbon
Sequestration, https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R40562.pdf

Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Planting trees to mitigate
climate change: Policy incentives could lead to increased carbon
sequestration, https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/61873


World Resources Institute, Young Forests Capture Carbon Quicker than
Previously Thought,


Pacific Forest Trust, E&E: Old trees store more carbon, more quickly, than
younger trees,
Most other sources say that younger trees store more carbon per year. See
also Figure 1 caption.

100 YEARS TO STORE 10 YEARS OF EMISSIONS (I say 100 years to sequester all
anthropogenic emissions)

Frontiers in Forest and Global Change, Forests and Decarbonization – Roles
of Natural and Planted Forests,
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/ffgc.2020.00058/ The authors
do not consider growing field crop indoors; irrigating deserts; or burying
deadwood anaerobically in abandoned coal mines, OR cold fusion.

2. If reforestation cannot be done quickly enough to forestall global
warming, some experts say that we can reduce global warming by painting
roofs white, or using white shingles. One expert said that will not work
because the light reflected from the roof bounces off of particles in the
air and ends up heating the air just as much, although he granted that it
does keep the house cooler. He missed an important point. In the first
world, air conditioning is widely used, so keeping the house cooler would
reduce energy consumption significantly.

Global warming can also be forestalled by putting gigantic mylar sunshades
in low earth orbit. This would be millions of times cheaper than moving
cities or building seawalls. They will eventually erode or fall out of
orbit but by that time we should have the problem fixed. The mass of mylar
is not as great as you might think. You have to intercept 2% to 4% of
sunlight. It would be a bad idea to do this permanently. It might change
the ecosystem. However, sunshades the last 50 years while we remediate
global warming would be okay I think.


3. Dave Nagel has been talking about some of the proposed methods to remove
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and sequester it. These involve large
machines and chemical processes. I think this is a bad idea. I strongly
favor growing trees instead. For the following reasons:

CO2 removal also removes the oxygen. We need the oxygen. Someone computed
that if we were to burn all the remaining coal, oxygen would be severely
depleted. Photosynthesis separates and releases the oxygen. I do not know
whether there are any proposed mechanical or chemical methods of separating
oxygen but I am sure photosynthesis works well.

Any method that depends upon machines would require massive amounts of
equipment that would have to be sustained for 100 to 200 years. Whereas, as
I described, planting trees would require only a modest amount of
equipment, mainly desalination plants that would no longer be needed after
fifty years, because natural rainfall would increase. Cold fusion energy is
much cheaper than any other source but even cold fusion costs something.
Whereas solar energy used to grow trees costs nothing.

CO2 removal has no benefit other than avoiding global warming. It has no
ancillary profits. Whereas growing trees produces enormous profits as I
described. People like trees. People would like to see deserts the size of
the United States converted back into verdant land. The market value of
that land would be approximately $23 trillion:


The cost of producing this land would be a tiny fraction of that. It should
be done even if we did not have a problem with carbon in the atmosphere. As
it happens this method not only removes carbon but it also produces
fantastic economic benefits.

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